1、 身份证:与报名时一致的,并且真实有效;
2、 照片:一张6个月内护照标准尺寸、白色背景的彩色免冠照,并在背面注明姓名和考号,相片中人像需露出双耳且不得佩 戴眼镜;
3、 准考证
seasonal work 季节工作
piecework work 计件工作
timework work 计时工作
receptionist 接待员,传达员
typist 打字员
programmer 程序师,程序规划员
office girl 女记事员
public servant 公务员
pilot 飞行员,领航员,引水员
publisher 出版者,发行人
graphic designer 美术设计
secretary 秘书,书记
policeman 警察
journalist 新闻记者,从事新闻杂志业的人
editor 编辑,编者
interpreter 解释者,几译人员,翻译员,讲 解员
director 主任,主管,导演
photographer 摄影师
scholar 学者
translator 翻译者
novelist (长篇)小说家
playwright 剧作家
linguist 语言学家
botanist 植物学家
economist 经济学者,经济学家
chemist 化学家,药剂师
scientist 科学家
philosopher 哲学家,哲人
politician 政治家,政客
physicist 物理学者
archaeologist 考古学家
geologist 地质学者
mathematician 数学家
biologist 生物学家
zoologist. 动物学家
physiologist 生理学者
artist 艺术家,画家
painter 画家
musician 音乐家
composer 作家,作曲家,设计者
singer 歌手
designer 设计家,制图
dressmaker (制作女服或童装的)裁缝
beautician 美容师
model 模特儿
clerk 职员,办事员
copywriter 广告文编写人,撰稿人
producer 演出人, (电影)制片人
newx.xster 新闻广播员,新闻 评论广播员
architect 建筑师
civil planner 城市设计师
civil engineer 土木技师
pharmacist 配药者,药剂师
tour guide 导游
dentist 牙科医生
Describe a school friend you remember well.
You should say:
who this person was
what he/she looked like
Part 3
Are there any differences between childhood friends and friends in adulthood?
Actually yes. First, a childhood friendship has innocence and there are easier ties to make with someone when you are younger. There are also easier ways to find things in common with another person when you are younger. When you’re older it’s kind of like having the safety net removed. Then, you can do something as a kid in a friendship and it’s either cute or brushed off. As an adult it’s a little harder because if something is misconstrued then even the most rational person can get upset.
Which do you think is better, to have a large group of friends or just a few close friends?
Definitely a few good friends. Less worry and problems to deal with. I believe in quality over quantity when it comes to close friends. I feel more comfortable hanging out with my small band of pals, and I know I can be myself and I trust them all implicitly.
Well, the way people make friends today is not much different from the way people used to. You meet someone and hang out with them and see if your personality clicks.
What do you think is the value of teaching history in school?
History always helps us to understand the present about a person, society or nation. For example, history of the Egyptian, Indian and Chinese civilizations gives us a good idea of how people lived, worked or fought in wars in the past and how the world has progressed over the centuries. Take a passion to study history you will discover that many countries have so many amazing secrets, stories and knowledge to offer. And the past can in some way help us to predict about the future.
★ 雅思口语机经使用的那些事儿
★ 2020大学开学演讲稿范文