
发布者:名捕铁手 时间:2022-11-15 12:07

托福口语备考练英音还是美音?先弄清楚两者差别再决定 ,今天小编给大家带来托福口语备考练英音还是美音,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。


1.在ask, can't, dance, fast, half, path 这一类的单词中,英国人将字母a 读作[a:],而美国人则读作[æ],所以这些词在美国人口中就成了[æsk][kænt][dæns][fæst][hæf]和[pæø]。

2.在box, crop, hot, ironic, polish, spot这一类单词中,英国人将字母o读作[)],而美国人则将o读作近似[a:]音的[a]。所以这些词在美国人读起来就成了[baks][krap][hat][ai'ranik][paliJ] 和[spat]。


英语读音 美语读音

car [ka:] [kar]

door [d):] [dor]

river [‘riv2] [‘riv2r]

party [‘pa:ti] [‘parti]

board [b):d] [bord]

dirty [‘d2ti] [‘d2rti]

morning [‘m):ni9] [‘morni9]

英语中只有在far away, for ever, far and wide等连读情况下,字母r才明显的读作卷舌音[r]: [fa:r2‘wei][f2‘rev2][far2ndwaid]。


英语读音 美语读音

dictionary [‘dikJ2n2ri] [‘dikJ2nori]

laboratory [le‘b):r2tri] [‘læbr2,tori]

necessarily [‘nesis2rili] [,nesi‘serili]

preparatory [pri‘pær2t2ri] [pri‘pær2,tori]

secretary [‘sekr2tri] [‘sekr2,tori]


英语读音 美语读音

docile [‘dousail] [‘das2l]

fertile [‘f2tail] [‘f2rtl]

fragile [‘fræd3ail] [‘fræd32l]

hostile [‘hostail] [‘hastl]

missile [‘misail] [‘mis2l]


英语读音 美语读音

clerk [kla:k] [kl2rk]

either [‘ai92] [‘i:92r]

figure [‘fig2] [‘figj2r]

issue [‘isju:] [‘iJu:]

leisure [‘le32] [‘li:32r]

neither [‘nai92] [‘ni:92r]

schedule [‘Jedju:l] [‘sked32l]


英语和美语的发音最大的区别之一在它们对浑元音(schwa,音标中的倒写e,)的处理。英语中,浑元音在单元音中常通发生在一些非重读的短音a (如 about)和短音er(如computer)上。美语中的er很少为浑元音,并有时对短音i(如sentimental,actuality)和u(如 wuss),甚至短音的oo(如:hooker)采用了浑元音。(这四个例子在英语中的发音分别为, [i], [u:], [u])浑元音的读音是不定的,但是听起来差不多像一个急促的介于“俄”和“啊”的发音。


ar:除了轻读短音(如singular)和者后连元音(如clarity),英语的ar全部清一色的长音[a:],而美语中,是“阿尔”。事实上,凡是有r在一个音节尾部的时候,美英发音通常都是不一样的,如tour(英:吐啊,美:吐儿),tear(英:踢啊,美:踢儿),pair(英:pe 啊,美: pe儿)。甚至在刚才提到的clarity中,英语['kleriti],美语['kle儿r(er)ti]





T1:What is your opinion on the following statement: students should be allowed to take snacks and beverage into classrooms?

Talk about the advantages and disadvantage of allowing students’ eating in the classroom.

Task 1

The university is going to allow students to take snacks and beverages into the classroom. Do you think it is a good idea?


Task 1参考答案:

Well I think it is a good idea. Coz first, eating snacks can help students to concentrate better in classes; like in my school, we usually have to take classes like 4 hours straight in a single morning; hunger makes it hard for us to focus, so a small biscuit or a bar of chocolate can certainly help us to replenish energy, so we will perform better in learning; second, with snacks and beverages, we could have more opportunities to socialize with each other during class breaks, exchange or share our favorite foods with others, which will add spice to our routine life.


Personally, I think the benefits of allowing students to eat in the class gives the students a free choice, and thus those who want to eat will find it easy to concentrate on the class. However, there are some disadvantages, eating in classroom creates noise and students need a peaceful and quiet environment to concentrate better. You know, if someone eats in class, he or she will make some noise, like biting into an apple, crinkling paper wrappers, and even munching on chips and stuff, thus other students find it hard to concentrate.


范例So far as I’m concerned, it would definitely be a terrible idea to allow snacks and beverages in classrooms. For one thing, it would severely lower your efficiency in absorbing knowledge with a handful of snacks, especially for those informative advanced lectures that acquire your full attention. As well as that, it could also be disruptive and impolite for those who may actually want to get themselves immersed in class. Imagine someone is trying to intently focus on the lecture, taking in all the key points, a constant munching on chips or the crunchy bites of sunflower seeds would surely be annoyingly unpleasing.



Task 2

Some people like to study in the morning. Others like to study in the afternoon. Which is better for you and explain why.


Some people like to take classes in the morning, while others would like to do that in the evening. Which one do you prefer and why?

T2:Which do you prefer: taking classes in the morning or in the afternoon?


范例Studying in the morning would actually do more good to me. One evident reason is that I keep a pretty occupied schedule in the academic year, which would keep me well-organized confronting the upcoming major assignments and projects. Making full use of the precious and refreshing morning time that would be otherwise wasted by sleeping in, I may get my work done way ahead of time. In addition to that, I will gain more flexibility in my spare time when I engage myself in a variety of activities such as a day-tour in the museum or a play rehearsal. Those leisure time activities will sure help me to release the pressure and take my mind off things.


I would say I like to take classes in the evening. One of the reasons is that, I find it more quiet in the evening and I can concentrate on class material, however if I took classes during the day, I would easily get distracted, you know the traffic, the crowd, the noise and all. Also, I feel like I am more energetic during night time, and I am kind of sluggish during the day, actually I am night person, thus taking classes during the night can be really productive for me.


Task 2参考答案:

I will definitely choose to take classes in the morning. First it is more efficient, I am an early bird, and I think it brings a lot of benefits if we rise early and sleep early; after a whole night sound sleeping, we are much more clear-minded and full of energy; so if we take those important and difficult classes in the morning we could have better absorption; second, it would be much easier for me to arrange my schedule that way. Like in the afternoon, I usually go off campus to take internship, join community service or work part time; and then I will go back to my school to finish my homework or attend school clubs at night.


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