
发布者:兰影残月 时间:2022-11-15 12:06

托福口语发音训练技巧分享, 语段训练法让你自信开口,今天小编给大家带来托福口语发音训练技巧分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

托福口语发音训练技巧分享 语段训练法让你自信开口












话题A)What character is the most important for a leader.


对于类似问题可以先从题目入手,就是要从核心词入手。在这个题目中,我们可以采用就提问的方法进行解答从而找到思路。例如,核心词character 那我们就从哪些性格入手去想问题,如脑子里可以先呈现出一些表达性格的形容词。比如像Hardworking 和 cooperative 等。

有了类似的形容词我们就可以把该问题归结为两点。这样就有了topic sentence : Both characters of hard working and cooperative are the most important for leader.之后,我们就要就下一个关键词leader 进行考虑。这里建议可以考虑一些名人来担当这个角色,或者是你熟知的人。然后再分别把一到两个名人提出来并把相应的性格特点搭配到这一两个名人身上,这样就有了相应的例子支持。至于如何证明这两个人有类似的品质,那就可以自己杜撰了。只要合乎逻辑范围都是可以接受的,所以我们可以得出类似的观点句。

如Chairman Mao was hardworking leader. Our boss is cooperative leader in my company. 再往后就是要具体展开这两个观点句,可以举出些许事例来证明其特点。比如说Chairman Mao always sit up so late to read until the 3 or 4 am, so that he can be knowledgeable and keep charming to his followers. 和 our boss let me to do some tasks with other people for cooperative sprit so that he could rally all of his employees to work together. 类似这种话题描述某种特性是某某职位最重要的等都可以套用类似的思维方式进行模拟创造。这样就可以以不变应万变了。

话题B) Do you agree or disagree that power and money define the success.


对于此类题目涉及到是否同意某一个观点和看法的时候,可以先确定自己的立场是同意还是反对。如果确定好立场就可以继续发展下去了。如果选择不同意,那么就要有自己的评判标准,也就是要推旧立新。比如说:I disagree with it. In my view, only the people who do the contribution to the society can they become success. 有了自己的立场,接下来就可以摆出事实讲道理了。

例如可以举一些普通的劳动者,他们虽然没有显赫的权式,和高额的收入,但是他们对社会的贡献却是不可磨灭的比如像教师。例如:For example, Miss Wang who is the math teacher in my high school, even though she does not have a lot of money or power she still be successful in her students' minds. Because she doesn't fall in sleep until midnight for examining students' works. 所以在托福口语考试中,重要的是要有明确和清晰的思路,并且好要有相应展开思路的手段。


One of the most important things a student should achieve while taking the TOEFL IBT speaking part exam is how to be able to speak logically. As a general rule in speaking, we are able to judge a person by the way he speaks. The common mistake student make is that they tend to speak without even thinking first. They answer in haste to a question thrown to them without even processing both the question and the answer. Many would agree that “silent water runs deep.” This means that people who talk less tend to speak with logic and authority than people who talk too much. Excellent answers for the test need not be lengthy, they can be short but they should be done with tact and really make a lot of sense. Most of the time, the answer becomes too long because of too much redundant words or phrases. Too much redundancy while taking the test will lessen your mark in the test. If vocabularies are too many, there is a greater risk of speaking foolishly. So, to be able to learn the strategies on how to speak logically, students should learn the following steps:考托福IBT口语的时候,同学们不可遗漏的最重要的一点就是逻辑性。我们要通过这个口语中的基本原则来给考生打分。考生们常犯的错误就是口无遮拦,毫不思考。急急忙忙就随口回答,丝毫都不对问题和答案稍加考虑。有说话富有逻辑性权威性的考生远远比说的多的考生受欢迎。好答案的标准不是长度,而是有条理。答案很长很多时候是因为有太多冗余的词句。废话太多会降低分数哦。言多也有可能有失哦。所以赶紧学习怎么让你的口语富有逻辑吧。


One crucial point to be able to speak logically in the test is by making sure that one truly understands the question or the problem that needs to be answered or solved. If the answer that one gives is not even related to the question, then the answer becomes totally illogical. Even if all the grammars, dictions and even the choice of words are carefully said, the whole thing becomes nonsense. As they say, human beings were created with two ears, two eyes and one mouth because God wants us to listen more, see and observe more and speak less. In the medical field, doctor should be able to find the sickness first before being able to prescribe the right medicine. To be able to give the best solution and answers, students must be able to know and understand what the problem or question is.要让口语有逻辑很重要的一点是你要真正理解问题的含义,知道应该如何解决问题,处理问题。要是你的答案跟问题毫不相干,答案就等于完全没有逻辑性。即便语法啊,发音啊,措词啊都很好,但是整个答案毫无意义。人有两只耳朵,两只眼睛,一张嘴,所以你要多听,多看,少说。医生也是要先找出病症才能对症下药。同学们一定要先理解问题是什么。然后才能给出最好的答案和解决方案。


I often hear students say “oops! I put my foot into my mouth again.” Students often speak words that they would regret later on once they are able to take the time to really think of the whole thing. Students often end up making the wrong decision or saying things that they would regret later on when they allow their emotion especially if it is negative to control them. To be able to speak logically requires a lot of brain power that is why it is logic. In the book of proverbs it says “as a man thinketh, so is he.” This simply means, students are what they think. During their idle times before the test, what students can do is think of questions, scenarios and situations of TOEL speaking test, then also think of the most logical answer that they can give. It is during this time that student’s brain is functioning more and not their emotion and adrenalin. They can process and practice everything properly without pressure. When the time comes that they come face to face with these questions, then they are prepared to answer confidently and logically because they were able to organize their thinking and plan ahead of time about the answer.同学们常常在事后,等到有时间重新回想的时候再后悔。尤其是在充满消极情绪的情况下,同学们常常做出错误的判断,说出错误的话,等到平静下来以后非常后悔。想要把话说得富有逻辑性是相当费神的事。在考前的空余时间里,同学们就应该思考问题,想想考试的场景,想想如何有逻辑性地回答问题。此刻,同学们的大脑胜过了情绪。能够毫无压力地练习。由于事前已经把想法组织好,一旦面对考试问题,同学们就已经准备好富有自信和逻辑地回答问题了。

Step 3: REHEARSE 第三步:演练

After organizing ones thought, students should practice on how to deliver their organized thing king and ideas out loud to themselves and, if appropriate, to a few others. Do it out loud because the words always come out right in your head, but if you have to speak them you'll catch some problems before hand. Most of the time students know what they want to say but when they say it out will be quite different from what they had thought. Do it again repeatedly. Keep doing it until you are comfortable and improved. Rehearsing is also a good way to build a student’s confidence in speaking. Practice makes perfect, it can really give student an ideal score in the exam.组织好想法以后,同学们就要演练怎样大声对自己说了。如果可以的话,也可以对其他人说。大声说出来!语言已经在脑海中形成了!不过你会发现一些问题。很多时候,同学们发现要说的跟所想的有些区别。那就一遍一遍反复说,一直说到你自己觉得舒服,有所提高为止。这对提升考生的自信有极大好处。熟能生巧,这真的会给你带来高分哦。


Examiners are smart and they see right through us. They can sense if students are being true to what we are saying or if we are just being hypocritical or just memorized some answers. One thing I observe is that the examinees that make a lot of impact to the examiners are those who speak sincerely and with passion from their hearts. They have the power to let the examiner know what they want to express and compel them without trying very hard. The whole thing should become very natural and effortless to have an excellent score. Mean what you say and say what you mean during the test.考官们很聪明,他们总是很快看穿你。他们会意识到考生是在真的说还是背诵答案。那些能打动考官的考生往往真诚而富有感情。他们不费吹灰之力就可以让考官理解他们的意思,打动考官,水到渠成得到高分。要在考试中为你所说的言语的赋予含义,也要说出你真正的意思。Expressing themselves properly requires a lot of tact. Students should have to say what they have to say in the exam to be able to speak logically. Sometimes the way students express themselves make examiner decide whether they will give a high score or just the opposite. As students express themselves, they should always be mindful of their choice of words and even tone of their voice.恰如其分地表达你自己也是一个技术活儿。在考试中同学们一定要注意逻辑性。有时候,同学们的表达方式会让考官们判断他们是不是要给高分。所以考生们在表达的时候,要小心用词跟语调。

Step 5: BE CLEAR ON WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY 第五步:清楚地说出你想要表达的

To be able to be understood by the examiners, the student should speak with a firm, strong and confident voice. Examiners tend to pay more attention if the student speaks with confidence. On the other hand, examiners get bored and sleepy when the student speaks with a voice as soft as a whisper or as slow as a donkey walk. Each syllable should be pronounced very clearly and accurately. Of course, it would be best if the student can deliver their answer with the proper diction and accent. There are times that examiners get distracted with the accent of the student. Because of this, the examiners tend to get the wrong information as the student meant it this way, but his accent give the words different meaning already. Some examiners would then find the whole thing funny and weird. A student must have confidence to be able to speak clearly.要想得到考官的理解,同学们应该以一种沉稳,响亮,自信的声音参加口语考试。考官喜欢说话自信的考生。另一方面,如果一个考生说话软绵绵,慢吞吞,声音小的像耳语,考官听了简直昏昏欲睡。我们每一个音节都要发音清晰准确。当然了,如果考生的措词和口音也都不错的话,那是再好不过的了。考官常常因为考生的口音错会考生的意思,但是考生的口音又确确实实让他说的话产生了歧义,有的考官会发现这现象又好气又好笑。考生一定要清晰地信心十足地表达自己的观点。As much as possible, we should speak the words in layman’s term. Sometimes in an effort to impress the examiner, the student speaks high-sounding words that the examiners are not able to relate to. This tends to make the examiner feel that they are not smart enough to be able to understand what the “smart” speaker is talking about. I have observed that books and novels that are best sellers are those that people from all walks of life can relate to.我们尽量不要使用专业术语。有时候考生竭尽全力口若悬河地向考官解释那些考官完全不明白的东西。考官会觉得自己像个白痴,没法理解这自作聪明的考生在叨叨些什么。书上不是说过吗?最好的的推销员能跟来自社会各阶层的人打交道。

Step 6: RELATE YOUR OPINIONS 第六步:叙述你的观点

If students want to speak with logic, they have to speak of facts. But they are also free to give their opinions about the whole thing. They can give illustrations to prove their point, or they can just simply state their reasons for having the said opinion. They can even look at history and get their basis there. They can also consider the opinions of the majority of their classmates. They can gather some statistics, data or consensus to back up and support their opinions. In some cases, there are really no right or wrong answers, they are just a matter of differences of opinion. Thus, it can give student extra scores in TOEFL IBT speaking test.同学们想要表达得有逻辑性,就要注意实话实说。当然了,考生有表达观点的自由。考生们可以摆事实证明自己的观点,也可以简单地陈述理由。考生甚至可以以史为鉴,可以认可班上大多数同学的观点,也可以用数据支持自己的观点。有些情况下,答案没有对错之分,只是观点相异而已。所以,同学们可以在托福口语考试中得到意想不到的额外分数。

Step 7: LEARN TO RELAX ... YOU ARE READY FOR THE TEST 第七步:学会放松,你已经准备好了

You have prepared for this exam so there is no need to be worried. You know the material and you know what the examiners would like to hear. Now just go out and deliver a polished, rehearsed answer confidently. You have to believe that you can do it to be able to have an excellent mark.你已经准备好了,完全没必要担心。你了解素材,了解什么是考官想听的。勇敢自信地说出你千雕万琢,数次演练过的答案吧。你要相信你自己完全有能力掌控考试,获得高分。To be able to speak logically in the test, students answers must be realistic, reasonable, time bound, manageable and attainable. It has to be based on facts and not merely on here says memorized, rumors, gossips, wild guesses, feelings, etc. They have to really understand what the question is all about. After having understood the question, they have to utilize their brain by organizing their thinking in order to produce a logical answer. Careless thinking gives careless answers. Do not give answers in haste especially when it is the emotion that is controlling us. For example when a student is nervous he/she cannot think in the right way. When nervousness overwhelms, logic is gone. Be true to what you are saying for there is conviction in it. Trying to impress examiner with your answer may lead us to give illogical answers because they are not sure on what they are saying. Eloquence in test is very important to be able to speak clearly and be understood by the examiner because your brains allow you to give reasoning. And also this allows you to think carefully about what you want to say.要在考试中富有逻辑,同学们的回答要基于现实,合情合理,时间把握准确,可控易懂。一定要基于事实,不要只是夸夸其谈自己的回忆,流言蜚语,猜想,感觉等等。同学们一定要理解问题是什么。理解了问题以后,就要在脑中组织自己的想法,形成有逻辑性的答案。草率的思考会导致草率的回答。别在情绪不稳定的时候急急忙忙给出答案。比如说,一个考生在很紧张的时候,就没法好好考虑他的答案。当紧张冲昏了头脑,逻辑就无影无踪了。一定要注意你的答案有说服力。试图语出惊人不可取,这有可能使答案缺乏逻辑,因为这样考生们往往无法确定他们所说的内容。你的大脑具有推理能力,所以这项考试中表达清晰,让考官明白你的意思非常重要。这也同时要求你要仔细思考你到底要说什么。


如何揣测考官的心里,获得考官的第一好印象。不管是TOEFL口语考试的1,2题独立任务 (independent task),或者是雅思考试的卡片(card in IELTS),抑或就是普通与外国人的交流(communication),大家首先要做到的就是知道丢分原因(reason),下列四点表现是很多考生 在TOEFL考试口语考场上丢分的原因:


考TOEFL口语,就像和敌人打仗(to fight)。你不知道敌人怎么出招,你也就不知道你自己应该出什么招。这样,你打败仗(failure)就是必然的。


第二、缺乏迅速组织(to organize)好答案的能力。


1、时间紧、任务重。TOEFL口语的答案准备(preparation)时间只有15-30秒,答题只有45/60秒。如果没有接受过正规的训练(formal training),考生在考场上必将不知所措、语无伦次。

2、要迅速呈现“完整的答案”(complete answer),这也就要求考生的答案“浓缩精华”。没接受过“答案构思训练”(training),“浓缩精华”也是难以做到的。



1、缺乏口语练习(oral practice),导致考生在答题时表现得不自信。






总体来讲(in general):英语语音(pronunciation)不准确、语调(tone)无起伏、语言不流利、结结巴巴。




以上就是TOEFL口语常有的失分原因,口语的提高重在练习,要有一个英文环境(English environment)对中国考生来说并不简单,那么我们就自己制造环境,多听英文歌,多看英文电影等等。

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