
发布者:会剃头的兵 时间:2022-11-15 12:05



1. 阅读原版小说增加谈资




《Steve Jobs史蒂夫•乔布斯传》





《Flipped怦然心动 》


Flipped is a love story between a girl and her neighbor which is set in aseries of traditional American schools in a small town. By watching it, you cannot only get to know typical American teenagers’ lives but also practice yourspeaking and listening with clear and decent American pronunciation.



It is an inspiring story about a teacherand his students. You might get a better idea of what a good teacher should beor what you really want to do in the future. It might help those who don’t knowwhat major they want to study in college. Why not watch it?




《新闻周刊》于 1933 年创立,其英文版在美国,欧洲,中东,非洲和亚洲等多个地区有发行,在日本,韩国,土耳其也有发行当地语言的版本。它在美国拥有仅次于《时代周刊》的第二大发行量。在 2012 年,《新闻周刊》停止了其纸质版的发行,而全部转为了电子版。与《时代周刊》类似,《新闻周刊》也涵盖了实事,商业,科技等多个领域,是进行英文泛读,扩大知识面的好材料。







托福口语Task4答题要点 口语高分要做到这些!



The question will ask youto explain the main concept or issue using the points and examplesthat were given in the lecture. So basically it's a very straight forward summary.

这是ETS官方视频中对Task 4所提出的要求,注意划线部分内容:你必须解释清楚main concept或者issue。这就是高分关键!!!



1 辅助消化,以渡鸦举例,没有牙齿,吃泥土是为了磨碎食物,这样有助于消化较大的食物,比方说把很大的种子磨成小碎片。

2 排除毒素,以鹦鹉举例,吃泥土可以中和误食的毒素,这样就不会生病了。


很多同学在回答第四题的时候,只是在单纯地summarize the lecture(总结讲座),而忽略了题目中隐藏的“暗线”,也就是高分要求中的points和examples。

Fair级别的答案:For instance, a species of bird takes in soil sometimes. Because it's toothless, eating soil can help it with its digestion. 在这个答案中并没有体现出soil起到的具体作用,因此只能得fair。

再看Good级别的答题:Wild pheasant is a good example. It is toothless, so it has to take in soil sometimes to help it grind up giant seeds with hard shells into smaller pieces, to make it easier to digest. 这个答案中包含了3点重要信息,toothless, giant seeds with hard shells and grind up into smaller pieces,从而充分论证了soil在消化过程中起到的具体作用。

2 善于改述内容



请大家铭记一件事:大多数Task 4中都有近1/3的内容是废话,必须听懂,但不必阐述。见下面这段文字:

Today, we're going to discuss forest fires. Generally, when a forest fire occurs, the animals in the area will of course scurry away from the fire. Some animals, though, actually benefit from forest fires and so will follow them because forest fires can help them meet their survival needs. Let's discuss two benefits forest fires could have for these animals.

One benefit is that they can make it easier for predators to find food.A forest fire will force animals out of their hiding places, which predators make use of because fleeing animals are much easier to catch than they normally are when they are hiding deeply.

For example, scientists have observed skunks doing this. These animals will go to the edge of a forest fire and wait there in order to catch all the insects running out of the burning forest, which is a much easier way to catch insects than the normal way of pecking for them on the ground.

Another benefit forest fires could have is to help provide a good place for the development of young animals.Forest fires can make an otherwise harmful environment more suitable for their development.

For example, Burch trees in the forest are poisonous to ants. They have a special chemical that keeps ants away. But after a fire, ants will seek out these trees because the trees are dead and ants are able to lay their eggs in the trees without being hurt by the chemical. The young ants use the trees' nourishment until they mature into adult ants.


再次强调,阐述example的时候,一定要想着to example the main concept or the issue。

3 做好答题的时间管理


Task 4的前25%多为文章主旨(main concept or issue),目标24分的同学无需对此部分做笔记,目标26分的同学需要做笔记。







Do you agree or disagree with the statement that young students should be allowed to use calculators when they are taking a math test?

Sample Response

I think that young students should not be allowed to use calculators on math tests because it is important to learn the concepts behind the math before advancing to time-saving tools.

Young children are only just learning the relationship between numbers and the concepts of math equations. If kids just plug numbers into a calculator, they may not understand, for example, that adding means putting different groups of numbers together.

Good math skills help solve other problems, too. If students understand how to break an equation into a series of steps, they can apply a similar process of simplifying problems in everyday situations.

Young students are learning the relationship between numbers and the processes of solving problems. Therefore, they should be encouraged to develop those skills well before they use tools like calculators on tests.

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