
发布者:会剃头的兵 时间:2022-11-15 12:04


雅思口语话题part1范文:Dream in childhood

Dream in childhood(儿时梦想)

1.What was your dream when you were young?


I wanted to be a doctor at first, and then a actor, which i have not yet achieved neither.

2.Has it changed?


Of course, both of them were out when i get close enough to them and find the nasty truth and details about the two profession, since i don't feel powerful enough to handle them.

3.Will it change in the future?


My childhood dreams are elusive and long gone,and my adult one is more realistic: get a good life-long career in Education and lead a meaningful family life with my wife full of travelling and cuisine.

4.Why did you have that dream?


Inspiring figures always tell us to dream big, but i never buy it. i find my life will be totally great and fulfilling even i dream something smaller and more common. Maybe the feel of down-to-earthness gives me more aspiration and sense of genuineness of the world.


Describe a party that you joined

You should say:

When it took place

Where it was

Whose party it was

What you did there

And how you felt about the party


The party I’d like to describe is the New Year eve party that I attended 2 years back. Our University friends invited me to join the party and I had to contribute some amount for that. The party held on a 3 star hotel where the teachers, students and their relatives attended.


On the New Year eve one of my friends gave me a call and then I picked up a taxi to reach the hotel. The name of the hotel was (..say a name you prefer…) and it was a beautiful hotel in our city. After I reach the hotel I found that it has been gorgeously decorated with lights. Our party was in the 2nd floor and I found most of my friends and some of the teachers already enjoying the party.


A local music band was singing and people were wearing mostly party dresses. We enjoyed the party a lot and ate several local and foreign dishes. We started counting down the time at 11:59 pm and when the clock ticked at 12:00, we started shouting with the New Year wishes. We stayed at the party till 2.00 am and all those time we enjoyed our time every way possible.


雅思口语part 3题目及参考答案

Q. What are the main reasons why people organise family parties in your country?

A. Family parties are the events where the members of a family living in distant places come to meet together and have fun. In my country family parties are arranged for different reasons and the party range varies based on the familial status. If the families are rich and wealthy, the parties last longer than usual. The family parties are mostly organised marking the marriage of any family members and on some other petty issues like observing birthday or marriage anniversary etc. The family members are invited to attend the party with the other members of their family and the moments are pleasant for them during the party. But sometimes the parties do not remain the happier one as it is at the beginning owing to many unwanted and serious incidents that even leads to quarrelling among the members forming two or three groups.

Q. In some places people spend a lot of money on parties that celebrate special family events. Is this ever true in your country? Do you think this is a good trend or a bad trend?在一些地方,人们花很多钱在庆祝特殊家庭活动的聚会上。这在你们国家是真的吗?你认为这是一个好趋势还是一个坏趋势?

A. Like the other countries, the rich and wealthy families in my country organise family parties and they spend a huge sum of money for the parties. Mostly they prefer arranging party during the marriage ceremony or marriage anniversary, but the parties marking marriage ceremony last longer than the marriage anniversary party. When the parties are arranged, special decorative materials are used to decorate the house and almost all the rooms are newly decorated. Besides, catering services are engaged to supply quality foods for the invited guests. The amount of money spend in marriage is less than it is spent to arrange the family party only. Sometimes I think it is the wastage of money and wealth. They could have saved the money for the future use of the newly-wed.

Q. Are there many differences between family parties and parties given by friends? Why do you think this is?家庭聚会和朋友的聚会有很多不同吗?你为什么认为这是?

A. The parties arranged by family members and those arranged by the friends are quite different for different reasons. The first and important issue about a family party is that you are to abide some rules and regulations in a family party. You cannot do whatever you want to drink alcoholic beverages without the permission of the organiser. But the scenario is the opposite in the parties arranged by friends. One can drink as much as s/ he wants or smoke cigarettes in plenty. There is none to forbid over any issue. You can listen to songs at a louder volume, dance together with the friends and could use slangs to your friends and many other things which are considered as indecent in the family parties. The differences happen for the generation gap. Family parties invite guests of all ages while the friends never invite any adult or seniors in their parties.

Q. What kinds of national celebrations do you have in your country?谁更喜欢庆祝国家的庆祝活动:年轻人还是老年人?为什么?

A. We have different national celebration days and it begins at the beginning of the year with the celebration of the New Year’s Day. Besides, the USA citizens observe some other days like Washington's Birthday, the Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day etc. All the days remain holiday across the USA and the citizens observe the days according to their will. But it is important to offer gifts or small presents to the other people on the Thanks Giving Day and on Christmas Day. Some of the people also observe the last day of the year - December 31 in every year and exchange greetings to each other marking the beginning of a new year.

Q. Who tends to enjoy national celebrations more: young people or old people? Why?谁更喜欢庆祝国家的庆祝活动:年轻人还是老年人?为什么?

A. The days are celebrated nationally and people of all strata participate in the observance. But the majority of the days are observed by young people and the seniors are fond of the days like Independence Day or the Birth Days of national heroes or presidents. It is done in this way due to the nature of the celebration. Christmas Day, New Year’s Day or Thanksgiving Day has a special charm, and thus the young people make a huge fun on the days. So, they prefer the days more than the older people. On the other side, the older people cannot make such fun due to their age and mental advancements with the age.

Q. Why do you think some people think that national celebrations are a waste of government money? Would you agree or disagree with this view? Why?为什么有些人认为全国性的庆祝活动是在浪费政府的钱?你同意还是不同意这个观点?为什么?

A. Observing the national days is a must for every country. It helps to let people, particularly the young people about the history of the country and people who made the history. The days tell them about the contributions of the national heroes to make the country into a free and progressive one. But the observance requires lots of preparations and investment. Some people think that this is wastage of money but is it actually wastage? I do not think so. By spending the money, the knowledge is being shared among the people and the government is paying the required charge for the knowledge. It is a simple issue. There is nothing to be worried about the sense that the money is being wasted.


1.Who is your favorite celebrity in China?


My favorite celebrity is Jay Chou who is an outstanding singer and also an actor in China.I was attracted by his special style of singing when I was in primary school. His songs are unique and he has opened up a new era of music.

2.Do you like any foreign celebrities?


Yes,I do.My favorite foreign celebrity is Robert Downey Jr,who is the leading role in the movie .He is Very handsome and his smile is captivating.

3.Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?


Well, who doesn’t? Just kidding, but I mean it could be nice to be someone and get all the attention for a while. Having said that, staying famous is another thing. It could be exhausting to always be in the spotlight and be the topic for everyone to discuss, so, while I’d appreciate and enjoy the experience of getting famous, I guess I just don’t have what it takes to live and work as a celebrity.

4.Do you think we should protect famous people's privacy?


Of course,we should protect their privacy. Famous people have borne too much pressure of public opinion,and they also need personal life space. Being a celebrity is just a choice of their occupation, they also need privacy and the life of common people.

5.How do celebrities inflience their fans in China?


They influence their fans in different ways,such as the preference of choosing clothes or hair styles. Some fans even buy the commodities that represented by their idols whether they need or not.

6.Have you ever seen any celebrity in public?


When I was a student in university, I went to several live music concerts held on campus. There were famous artists performing in those concerts so, to answer your question, yes, I have seen some celebrities, literally, but I have never had a chance to meet or talk with any of them in person.

7.Do you enjoy reading about celebrities?


I certainly do sometimes. It’s nice to catch up on the latest news about my favorite celebrities, to know what they are up to and to have something to talk about with my friends and colleagues. I also have found out that reading about celebrities is the fastest and most enjoyable way for me to pass the time.

关于Fame & Celebrity口语表达推荐

One-hit wonder– person/band that had only one hit song (or movie)

The band Felly was a one-hit wonder in the 90’s, with the song Pump Up the Jam.

Wear many different hats– able to play many different characters

Johnny Depp can wear many different hats, from British pirate to Cuban poet.

Household name– person who everyone knows

Unfortunately, the Kardashians are a household name in the States.

A has-been/ all washed up– person who was famous but is not doing any good work anymore

The New Kids on the Block are all has-beens, except for Donnie Wahlberg, who has a reality TV show and has been in a couple movies.

Limelight– fame

The actress Elisabeth Moss is in the limelight now, after starring in The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.


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