
发布者:清水有龍 时间:2022-11-15 12:04



Describe a law/rule that you think is good

What it is

how you knew it

Who it affects

Why you think it is good


What kind of people can become police officers?

Do you think both men and women can be police officers?

Do you think police officers are paid too much?

Is kindness the most important quality of a police officer?

Do all Chinese people obey the law?


The law that prevents the child labour is the one I really appreciate and like. The law regarding the child labour prevents the employers from engaging anyone below 18 years old to be engaged in any work that possesses a threat to the child.


Though I am not an employer and do not face the situation where I need to decide whether I should involve a child to such work, I should not say if I abide by this law or not. Nevertheless, I fully support the law and would never violate it. If I am even remotely involved in abiding by this law, I would definitely obey this law.


I feel that this is an important law and everybody should abide by this law. Children are our next generation and their safety should be our priority. So we should never engage them in hazardous work and should make sure that they are getting the proper education. Though the government and the parents of those kids have a responsibility to nurture them and ensure their education, sometimes it is beyond their control and each of us should make sure that we are not violating this law.


I like this law because it prevents the greedy employers to engage the children to hazardous and dangerous works because of low payment. The children who should be at school and in playground should not get involved in works that possess dangers to them. Since this law strictly prohibits the citizens from doing such thing that ruin the children future, I really feel a great respect for this law.



What international law should be applied all over the world?

Children are the most vulnerable section of the society and it appears that the International law on children to protect their basic rights should be applied globally. In most of the countries, the rights of children are regularly being violated; they are forced into labour, prostitution, domestic help, and more other hazardous jobs. So, the global leaders should come into an agreement to enforce the law strictly across the world.


Who are more popular, the lawyers or the police?

The lawyers are less popular in the country comparing the policemen. The lawyers are always seeking chances to trap the victims while the police members help the victims more than the lawyers to get justice. The lawyers unusually increase the minor case litigation processes while the policemen try to solve such issues in the police stations so that the citizens could have less legal complexities.


Why we should follow the rules strictly?

Rules are made to make the society peaceful. If there were no rules then people would have done whatever they want to gain their own benefits. It is the rules which are preventing them from performing the evil tasks. So, for a better and happy environment, we should follow rules in our everyday life.


What can be done to motivate people so that they abide by the rules and law?

Inspiration to follow rules is the key task to make people motivated towards following rules. The government or the respective authority could arrange some awards for the civil citizens who follow rules strictly. Mass awareness could also be raised over the benefits of following rules so that people could be made motivated.



Describe a television program/ film that made you laugh

You should say

What the program is

When you watched it

Who you watched it with

Why it made you laughed


What kinds of things do Chinese people do to be happy?

Is laughing beneficial to children, how about old people?


A TV program that I found really funny was an American show called “How I met your mother” which was broadcast every Sunday last summer.


It was a sitcom with 9 series, each of which included about 24 episodes. I watched all of the episodes and found them absolutely hilarious. The series followed the main character, Ted, who recounted to his son and daughter the time when he met and got married to their mother. The special thing was this – all the events Ted had experienced with his best friends before meeting his wife were illustrated in a highly amusing way. For example, in one episode, Ted described his dates with a girlfriend whose name he had forgotten, so Ted and the other characters had to refer to her as “Blah-blah” all the time.


Because of the characters’ eccentric humor and natural acting, this show made me laugh a lot. So, at present, whenever I feel stressed, I replay this series so that I can just put my feet up and have a good laugh.





absolutely hilarious绝对搞笑



put my feet up把我的脚放上去

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