
发布者:秀shower 时间:2022-11-15 12:04




很多时候考生都会不重视这个问题。一方面没有系统学过辅音知识,另一方面也没有可以学习雅思口语音标。因此,小站君整理出大家最爱犯的辅音问题,那就是th的发音,凡是遇到th我们都要咬舌头,比如the, think, this, mother,both, three, through, month, maths。绝大多数学生在遇到th时,都用s或z来替代,没有伸出舌尖。这样做的结果是自己说得很舒服,听的人很不舒服。说英语时th和s不分相当于说普通话时十和四不分,是相当严重的错误,有时甚至会引起误解。另外介绍两组常见的辅音错误,l和n以及w和v.


此外,很多考生都不懂什么是长元音和双元音。其实在小站君看来,通过大量正确的发音训练是可以领悟到这两者的区别。通常来说,英文的元音有长短之分,而中文则没有,学生们很容易把长的读成短的。比如meal和mill, sheep和ship, been和bin。试着读一下这几组单词,如果听起来一样的话就说明你出现这个问题了。中文和英文的一个显著区别就是中文的字都是一个辅音加上一个元音(生母和韵母),而英文中可能有n个元音n个辅音的各种排列组合。中国学生经常把双元音发成单元音。比如same说成seem,coin说成corn.


教学中发现,大部分学生在背单词时没有记重音的习惯。英文的重音就像中文的四声,和单词的发音是不可分割的。重音位置错了听起来会有非常的奇怪的声调。最常见的重音被放错的单词是interesting,它的重音在最前面,而不是在t的前面。其他容易被读错重音的单词还有comfortable, contact, recommend,有趣的是,它们的重音都在最前面。要想练好正确标准的发音就需要与外国人经常性的交流,找出自己的缺点。





Describe a trip that you plan to go on in the near future

You should say:

Where this place is

Who you would like to go with

What would you do there and explain why you would like to go there




I recently plan to go to Los Angeles with my friends. There are lots of beautiful beaches and rich North American culture on the west coast of the United States.

First of all, I love shopping. There are many shopping malls and high street fashion in Los Angeles such as supreme. Second, I am big fan of American movies. There are famous Hollywood in Los Angeles. I will experience how the American movie is made. Third, I love Disney so much. There are a variety of interesting projects at Disneyland in Los Angeles such as jumping machines, roller coaster and so on.

These attractions make me so exciting, and I looking forward to going to Los Angeles as soon as possible. This trip in Los Angeles can not only expand my views, but also train my English.





Describe someone who is very professional

You should say:

Who this person is

Who this person does

How you knew this person

And explain why this person is professional




In high school, my math teacher is very professional and has a great influence on me. Before high school, my math grade too low to hate math. I think math formulas so hard that memorize, and the answer steps also complicated. However, after I met Miss Li, she taught me many different skills.

The biggest difference between Miss Li and other math teachers is using life experience to explain math problems. In general, many math teachers encourage students memorizing lots of formulas and doing a lot of exercises. Sometimes it is hard for me to know where this formula comes from and why it should be done. However, Mr. Li easier to solve mathematical problems by telling the history of mathematical formulas. Sometimes, even if you didn't need extra time to memorize, you could remembered the formulas in class.

Although Miss Li is not the most successful math teacher in our high school. Nevertheless, his teaching style is clearer and easier to understand mathematics. So I always thought he was the most professional math teacher.





Describe a time that you looked for information from the Internet (new)

You should say:

When it happened

What you were looking for

Where you were searching on the Internet

And how you felt about the information


When I was traveling to Rome this summer, I searched for the museum address with my mobile phone network. Before traveling, I usually make plan to confirm the address, because I could find places as soon as possible. However, during my trip, my travel notes were missing. I was very anxious because I didn't know the name of the museum, so it was hard to find out the specific address on the Internet.


So I use my cell phone to took pictures, and put the pictures on the Internet. Finally, I found the museum. I'm amazed that I could find specific locations just through the internet. At same time, the internet also recommend scenic spots and delicacies around the museum. The technology is really convenient now.



What ways can people get information these days?

First, people can get information through friends. People can get the most directly information when chatting. Second, people can get information through social software in mobile phones. Many mobile social software can send information for the first time. Third, people can get information through newspapers, magazines and so on.


What are the differences between getting information from library and getting information from newspaper?

Information is usually more attractive, less objective and comprehensive in newspapers. Sometimes there are some fake news. But in the library, information will be more fair and detailed. If you get information from the library, people can take many different points of same view.



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