
发布者:小老鹰爱小马 时间:2022-11-15 12:04



1. Do you like going to parks and/or public gardens?

(If yes:)

Yeah, on the whole I do, as long as the weather’s nice of course! You know, I think they’re nice places to go to get some fresh air and enjoy the natural environment. And I always tend to feel a bit less stressed out when I’m in a garden or park.



(If no:)

No I don’t, because I kind of think there’s not really that much to do in parks. I mean, most of the ones near to where I live have nothing! You know, all you can really do is just wander around, and after you’ve been to them so many times, they kind of get a bit boring, if you know what I mean!



2. When was the last time you went to a park?

Um… let me see…when was the last time?... I suppose it must have been about … it must have been about two or three months ago, a bit before Christmas, cos I remember that day the sky was really clear for a change! And so I thought it would be nice to go out for a walk somewhere, which I did.


3. Do you think the parks and gardens where you live could be improved in any ways?

Yeah I do. I think they could be improved quite a bit. Cos as I mentioned just now, there’s not really that much you can do there, so I think some facilities could be added. For example, it would be nice if there was a café or something where you could sit and enjoy the surroundings with a cup of coffee. And uh.. what else?... Oh yeah, another thing that I think’s lacking is children’s play areas, you know, like climbing frames, swings and slides, because I’ve noticed that most parks have exercise equipment for adults, but nothing really for children. So this is another aspect in which I think parks could really improve on.


4. Would you like to see more parks and gardens in your hometown?

Yeah I would, because we only have a very small number at the moment, and considering there are several million people living here, I think it would definitely be good to have a few more!


5. Do you prefer to relax with your friends in a park or an indoor place?

I’d say I generally prefer to relax with my friends somewhere indoors, because I mean, if I’m meeting up with them in a park, then everything could be ruined by the weather. So it’s a bit easier arranging to meet somewhere indoors. Having said that though, if it’s a really nice day out, then I suppose I would prefer to be outside with them somewhere, like a park.



Having said that though – 不过话又说回来呢

if it’s a really nice day out - 如果天气好的话

quite a bit = quite a lot

climbing frame -(儿童玩的)攀登架

swing -秋千

slide -滑梯

it must have been…ago – 应该是…之前吧。

That day it was…..for a change - 那天一反常态

there’s not really that much to do– 没什么可做的

As long as the weather’s nice of course – 当然只要天气好的话

Stressed out -极度焦虑不安的;心力交瘁的 If someone is stressed out, they are tense and anxious because of difficulties in their lives.


1. Do you like making things by hand?

(If yes:)

Yeah I do. I find it quite fun making stuff by hand. You know, it kind of brings a certain amount of satisfaction once you’ve finished it, and you think “Wow! I made that!” So yeah, I enjoy making things quite a lot.



(if no:)

No, not particularly, because I’ve actually always found it to be a pretty frustrating experience. You know, something invariably goes wrong whenever I try to make something, so now I can never usually be bothered.



2. Do you like collecting things made by hand?

No, I can’t say I do. I mean, I’ve never really made the effort to collect anything made by hand. So it’s not that I dislike it, it’s just never been something that I’ve had the urge to do really!


3. Did you ever take handicraft lessons at school?

No, I never did, which I suppose is a bit of a pity, cos I imagine they would have been quite fun. But my classes were unfortunately limited to just the typical subjects that most schools offer, like Maths, Physics, Geography, those kinds of things.


4. Are handicrafts popular in China?

Yeah, I’d say they are, because we have certain handicrafts which are….um… how can I put it,…which are closely tied with our culture, such as paper cutting, which goes back hundreds of years in China, if not thousands. But I suppose it’s also fair to say that handicrafts have become a bit less popular in modern times, simply because of all the technology that’s crept into our lives!


5. Do you think children should learn more about handicrafts?

Yeah I’d say they definitely should, because first of all it’s fun, and children tend to learn more when they’re having fun. And I think it would also make them appreciate things more. You know, when you realize all the effort that goes into making something, you kind of appreciate it more. So yeah, I think it’s very beneficial for children to learn more about handicrafts.



Invariably - 不变地;总是;始终如一地 If something invariably happens or is invariably true, it always happens or is always true.

I can never usually be bothered. – 我一般懒得做。

Other useful phrase:

It helps develop children’s creativity and imagination.

I suppose it’s also fair to say that – 我想应该也可以说…

Crept into our lives- 悄悄进入我们的生活

Urge - If you have an urge to do or have something, you have a strong wish to do or have it.


Describe a small company in your hometown that you think is successful.

You should say:

What the company is;

What this company produces;

How you know about this company;

And explain why you think this company is successful.

Right then, I’m going to describe a small company in my hometown which I think is successful. Well firstly, I should admit that I’m not really familiar with that many small companies in my hometown, but one that I do know a little bit about and which I believe to be quite successful is my neighbour’s company.


And as for what it produces, well, if I’m not mistaken, his company mainly just focuses on women’s clothing, such as dresses, cardigans and things like that. I actually asked my neighbour if he had ever considered making men’s clothes too, as I would be interested in buying some, but unfortunately he said that for the time being, they are just gonna stick with women’s clothes, because that’s what they're most experienced in.


Anyway, with regard to how I got to know about this company, well, as I mentioned earlier, it’s run by my neighbour, and I seem to remember him telling me about it not long after we first met, which must have been about two or three years ago by now. Since then, I’ve had the pleasure of visiting the office a few times and meeting some of the employees, one of the reasons being that they’ve got a pool table there, and my neighbour often invites me over to have a few games of pool during his lunch break!


So, finally then, regarding why I think the company is successful, well, in a nutshell, I would say it’s basically because the company has managed to grow from 2 staff to over 50 in the space of only about 3 years, which I think's pretty staggering. And another thing to mention would be that, if I remember correctly, most of his business comes from return customers, which I think shows that the company has been able to maintain high quality and keep their customers happy.


So I guess that’s pretty much everything!



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