GRE issue写作优秀实例:竞争和合作
"While some leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas attribute their success to a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation."
It is universally acknowledged that a well-developed sense of competition can contribute much to leaders' success in different areas such as government, sports and industry. While, as the trend of globalization, the cooperative sense has became an increasingly important and indispensable element to success of individuals, communities or even nations. As result of that, the cultivation of both competitive and cooperative awareness is of exaggerated importance for a society aiming to better preparing its future leaders.
Unless with the sense of competition, leaders of any society can never lead his/her people to win in the competitive world. Competition is the essential driving force of each individual and thus motivation of society progress which is composed of individuals. The competitive impulse fosters the desire for excellence. It is the responsibility of social leaders to create a healthy atmosphere of competition under which the subsequent improvements will generate. This can be illustrated by transformation of Chinese market policy. Decades ago, the planned economy policy was praised by Chinese leaders. This policy in which government played a key role to run entire business of nation is featured as absolute equality and eliminates any chance for competition. Unfortunately, these government-run businesses are ineffective due to lack of competition and then result in low productive capability and poor welfare of entire population. Realizing the disadvantages of such policy and desiring to reverse the straggling situation in China and catch up with developed countries, leaders have decided to transform the old economic system killing the spirit of competition into the new one encouraging competitive awareness. Individuals and companies alike for sake of survival in competition must continue to improve their services and products, and consequently, the entire society prospers, at least economically. Owing to the vitality of competitiveness, China can experience the prosperity than ever before.
However, to lead his people to win in a competition against external competitors, a leader must have the ability to enhance cooperation among them. Competition is not always a good thing to have, which can not and does not produce win-win situation. On the contrary, through cooperation with others, all participants can benefit from it. In business field, teamwork as whole can naturally produce an overall greater productivity through the concept of "synergy" The task of a good business leader is to set a common goal and corresponding rewards by which his teammates are motivated to interact with their colleagues towards a collective efforts. Zhang ReiMing- CEO of Glanze and a very famous entrepreneur in China, who is well-known as a cheerleader in the personal interview of CCTV3 2006 has said (and I paraphrase) that "there is no special knack for me to success. What I has done just make my employees feel better about themselves and let every single person in the company must understand the essence of the business and then create an environment in which they respect and cooperate with others. Scarcely have all the people been combined together firmly, when maximum potentials of them can be extracted and our tasks can be accomplished effectively and efficiently". Just as the famous man mentioned, skills of motivating both individuals and team as a whole are a grave challenge to but, more importantly, necessary capability of an outstanding leader.
Notwithstanding as seemly distinctive concepts, sense of competition and cooperation are dependent on each other. Actually, as an excellent competitor, not only can he compete with others who exceed him in some aspects without fears and jealousy but he should breed the spirit of cooperation, willingness to help each other and nurture one's feeling of community. It is the increasingly fierce competition in human society that acts as the catalyst promoting intensely cooperative desire.
In summary, to be qualified and successful leaders, individuals should be equipped with sense of competition and cooperation together.
GRE issue写作优秀实例:杰出领导人
"To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards."
I agree with the statement above with my own reservations. In the modern society with many allurements filled in, undoubtedly, it is essential for a public official to be an effective leader to always keep in his mind a high ethical and moral standard, yet, not necessarily the highest.
In the first place, as an effective leader, a public official must take into consideration the interests of all the people in his group he leads and delegates, and often he has to give up his individual interests to the interests of the whole group. It is the high ethical and moral standard keeping in an effective leader's mind that guarantees he always chooses to do the right thing for the whole group rather than himself when the interests of the collectivity and of himself conflict. The unethical or immoral characters just as selfishness, avarice, dishonesty, and lechery etc., are fatal for a public official to be an effective leader, because the one with these weaknesses in his character is easy to be influenced by allurements as money, power, beauty, and so forth. Simply put, you are the Chief Executive of a state. And if you are selfish, greedy, or libidinous, what would you do when facing one 100 million dollars' check or a beauty as Marilyn Monroe sent by a corporation and been told you are free of public supervision? Still reject the project of the corporation which could be harm to the people living in the state or help the corporation carry out this project with your special power? It will be hard to explain why a selfish and greedy official chooses the former. So, we cannot expect a public official with ethic or moral flaws could be an effective leader.
The second, in a democratic country like United States, the officials are always elected and supervised by all the people they lead. A public official must maintain a high ethical and moral standard to make the public believe that he is just the right one to lead them, or he will fall down from where he rose up. The Watergate Case is a good example here. When President Richard Nixon's dishonesty and improper operations in the reelection was revealed to the public, people in this nation doubted if Nixon was still reliable and had the qualification to be the President. At last, Nixon was impeached and became the first one in American history to resign during his term of President. And another example is President Bill Clinton's sexual scandal. Though it did not lead to a resignation, President Clinton's prestige was seriously influenced. Either Nixon or Clinton is not an effective leader for their unethical or immortal characters.
However, maintaining a highest ethical and moral standard is not practical for an effective leader. For the first thing, it is hard or seems impossible to reach the highest ethical and moral standard. We have to admit that every human being has his own weakness and shortness in his characters, then, in fact, the highest ethical and moral standard should only be kept in Bible as an ideal guidance for human beings. Secondarily, sometimes the highest ethical and moral standard conflicts with the interests of most people. For example, it is brutal to kill animals for their meat in terms of some highest ethical and moral standards, then should our officials bring out an act prohibiting us from having meat? I think it is really a bad news for human beings because most of us are flesh eaters, and it is fallacious for an official to do this.
In sum, in our modern society, keeping a high ethical and mortal standard in mind is the insurance for a public official to always do the right thing for all the people he leads and win their trust, which will finally lead him to an effective leader. And still we have to remember that what we need is an effective leader, not a severe moralist.