
发布者:会剃头的兵 时间:2022-11-15 12:09



Dear Sirs,

We are sending you with pleasure by fax a copy of our latest catalogue of our“Spring Flower”Vacuum Cleaner,from which you will understand why it is difficult for us to meet the needs of markets.The high quality of our products is well known and universally acknowledged and we are confident that they will be welcomed in your market.? In order to popularize these cleaners,all the catalogue prices are subject to a special discount of 20% during this month only.We are offering you good products on generous terms and wish to have your early orders.

Yours faithfully,


To:Allan Jackson,Workshop Manager

From:Jack Nelson,Model Shop Manager

Subject:Prototype of ORIENT Cutting Tool

We have delivered the prototype of a new cutting tool for your inspection.The tool,designated as ORIENT,has been developed by the Second Group.

The tool is composed of four parts cast from low-carbon steel and finely machined.The cutting edges on one side of each of the two long pieces feature a bonded tungsten alloy ground to a high degree of sharpness.

A strong machine screw holds the two long pieces together.A tension plate of spring steel between them keeps constant pressure on the cutting edges as they are opened and closed by thumb finger action.

When using the tool,place the thumb in the smaller hole and the index and middle fingers in the larger one.By applying pressure with the thumb and fingers,you can easily open and close the cutting edges.

In a word,it is an ideal tool with few weaknesses.So we recommend it to you.


Dear Sir,

We haven’t received any enquiry from you over the past twelve months.Up till then we counted you among our steadiest customers.We were confident that we were serving you with quality products and efficiency.Every year,your order came in and was filled satisfactorily.

When your order ceased,we thought it might be a delay in your ordering cycle.Now we wonder whether some failure on our part has caused you to seek supply elsewhere.We can assure you of our improved fulfillment procedure and our larger warehouse.We can provide a greater variety of products and quicker response than a year ago.

We treasure your business.We are anxious to know what we can do to resume business relations with you.Your reply shall meet with our immediate attention.







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CCI can quickly train you—in your spare time at home—to service and repair mowers,tillers chain saws,outboards,garden ctors,mopeds,motorcycles,snowmobiles,and dozens of other types of small-engine equipment.It’s a great way to get your own business,full or part-time,with a minimum investment.And it’s a field with growing opportunities for qualified people.

CCI’s Small-Engine Course contains forty-five lessons,each easy to read and understand.Every lesson is short and fully illustrated with step-by-step diagrams and photographs.It’s“hands-on”training-you actually build a 31/2 -horsepower four-cycle engine.You also perform experiments that show you how every part of an engine works.And we supply you with professional tools—a complete set of wrenches,electrical system tools,inductive tachometer,engine overhaul tools,voltmeter,and others.Everything you need!

Our big catalog tells you all you need to know.It describes the content of each lesson(and there are sample pages of the actual study materials),and contains illustrations and descriptions of the equipment you will use.The instructor you will be assigned to has been a professsional small-engine mechanic.He will be your“partner”in your studies.

Just fill in and mail the enclosed postcard for your free catalog today.It needs no postage.


Director of studies

P.S.:No sales representative will call you!


Dear Mr.Edwards:

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At Whispering Pines we know how to help you make your meetings really successful.It’s what we were designed to do,what we’re in business for,the reason we like to think we’re the ideal convention headquarters.Whispering Pines is not just another magnificent resort center that offers everything and meeting goers could ask for outstanding cuisine…big name entertainers…elegant nearby shopping malls…all sports,including a championship golf course and tennis courts…and a stunning view of the Atlantic Ocean.We’re all those things,of course,and we are more.

By“more”,we mean that we are really professionals when it comes to arranging space for your specific needs and providing every service you require to make outstanding meetings and conferences.At Whispering Pines you’ll find a staff that is dedicated to personal and friendly hospitality.

Skeptical?Let me prove what I have said.Please look over the enclosed colorful booklet,which shows our spectacular setting and elegant facilities.Then,to learn about our professional side,mail the enclosed card for your free copy of “Organizing,Planning,and Running a Meeting.”

Hopefully yours,

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