
发布者:秦时明月 时间:2022-11-15 12:09



Export, Import

Dialogue one.

Man: It’s amazing to me how international business has become. Take my store for example. On any given day you will find imported items from more than 20 different countries on our shows.

Woman: How many different varieties of products do you import from China?

Man: China provides the balk of our product inventory for sure. We import more than from 40 different items from China. Most of the imports that come out of China are low grade plastics or toys. Japan produces many electronic exports. Germany produces excellent mechanical exports.

Woman: Do you import any food items?

Man: Generally speaking, food items are difficult to import. Food with the short shelf life is liable to spoil on the time it takes to ship from one place to another. The only food items we import are specialty canned or preserved foods. The shelf life is longer for these products.

Dialogue two.

Man: How long will it take for an order to be delivered?

Woman: Let’s see. You are importing 15 containers of textiles from China. They should be able to place your order before the end of next week. It will take 2 days for shipping to the port city of Ningbo. The freak will take 3 weeks on the open ocean and will arrive in Los Angeles approximately a month from today. Domestic shipping will be your responsibility. You can make arrangements with the peer in Los Angeles.

Man: Fine, we will handle domestic shipping. But what about customs? Will we have to pay terror found on our imports? I hope we don't run into any problems with the border control.

Woman: No, the Chinese company has that all worked out. With the paper work you received with the shipment you should be good to go.



Dialogue 1

M: Did you get the the financial records into shape for your audit next month?

F: I'm still working on ironing out a few problems, keep in a strict account of all our incoming and outgoing is not an easy task, it's much more difficult than balancing my checkbook.

M: I guess the auditing is just to make sure everything's on the open up, and that you're keeping proper records of all our expenditure and profit.

F: Keeping track of money coming in is easier than keeping track of money going out.

M: Why is that?

F: It seems our record are always a little incomplete, because not all of the employees turn over their reciepts for business expenses.

M: That's something you can improve by talking to human resources, they can send out a memo to make sure people are following protocol with their expense accounts.

F: At least our records for money in are very complete.

M: As far as our assets were concerned, they want to know more about your intake anyway, they want to make sure you're paying taxes on the money you make.

F: We're paying all right, but it's just proving everything by the numbers.

Dialogue 2

M: Can you please show me your filing system for the company finances?

F: Certainly, we keep running tally of all money in and money out on the month to month basis, these numbers are crosscheck with all expenditure receipts and invoices of our account receivables.

M: I see, for the first quarter,your total expenditures were one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, none of which were taxed actable.

F: Yes, we must pay taxes on our total income not our adjusted income.

M: Your total intake for the first quarter period was five hundred thousand dollars, you have a gross net of five hundred thousand and the adjusted profit of three hundred and fifty thousand. Do you have something beside this report that will back up these figures.

F: In this file are all of our monthly bank's deposit notes, as well as invoice and receipts.

M: That should be adequate, have you copleted the tax form for this item?

F: Yes, we have completed the forms and paid our taxes in full.


The Economy

Dialogue 1

M: It's hard to be optimistic about things with the way economy's headed, the trade deficit is getting larger, consumption's down, I really think it were headed for recession.

F: The economy has been stagnant for a while now, we've been in a recessive state for several months already, what worry and need most is the trade deficit, I think the government should do more to encourage export.

M: increasing the export would weaken the curency, I think the main point is economic growth, we need more jobs, factory oursource and move many jobs to foreign countries, the result does increase in unemployment in our own country, lower consumption, lower production, and overall people economy, if more people are working, it will give economy a boost.

F: It's true that we should do something about unemployment, but what about inflation? If unemployment falls, there's pressure to increase pay, that will result in inflation, which would result in a much less dynamic economy.

Dialogue 2

M: I think the goverment needs a radical plan to improve things, the government just talks, but in the long run, nothing is done to improve economy.

F: That's right, they always talk about a need for new, for aggressive tactics, they haven't done anything to stimulate new jobs,

M: Well, income taxes would have increased last year in hopes of giving the economy a boost, but I think it's a backfire, the immediate effect of tax adduction was causing the inflation to rise.

F: The worst part is that the inflation hurts the poor more than the rich, it also leads to more unemployment in the long run, I don't know what a good solution would be to make the economy more vibrant again.

M: I have a good solution, we need some new blood, we should get rid of this president and boat in some new leaders.



Dialogue 1

M1: Hello, my name is Petter, I'm calling on behalf of Save the Children Fund, have you heard our organization before?

M2: Eh...yes, I think so. Don't you do some kind of charity work by taking care of starving children in Africa or something?

M1: Yes sir, that's it exactly. We don't only serve the children in Africa, but we also take care of children in porverty all over the globe. Well sir, I'm calling today to ask for your contribution to our charitable organization.

M2: Is that right?

M1: We're a service organization that is a legally registered charity. We operate in more than a hundred countries, but most of our adminstration and workers are all volunteers, when you contribute to our cause, one hundred percent of your donation goes directly to the children who need it.

M2: What kind of contributions are you asking for?

M1: We accept donations of any ammount, depending on your ability and desire to share. We can accept donations anywhere from twenty dollars to more than a thousand dollars. Additionally, your contribution is completely tax deductible, can I count on you for support this year?

M2: Sure, I'm willing to support your cause, eh... how can I make donation?

Dialogue 2

M: How did your company's fundraising go?

F: The fundraising evnets went really well. We would be able to partner with few of our competiters, all in fun, of course, to sponsor a merry fun for America Cancer Society, all of the people who participate it had a great time, and we would be able to raise a lot of money to contribute to cancert research.

M: So how does it work? How would you able to make money with the merry fun?

F: Each of the runners that participated the merry fun raise paid a ten dollar entrance speed, also, they went door to door to get sponsors who pledged a dollar per mile that participants ran, all along we were able to raise several thousand dolars.

M: Sounds a great deal for American Cancer Society.

F: In all honesty, it's also a great deal for our company, the exposure that begins for sponsors and invent like this was great for our image in the community. We acccomplished as much as last year's advertising campaign, plus we were able to do a little fundraising for a good cause.

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