
发布者:玉石中承 时间:2022-11-15 12:09


关于大学作文带翻译大全:Is It Necessary to Save Money for The Future? 有必要存钱吗?

There is a popular saying, “money is not almighty, but without it you can do nothing.” Money is necessary in our life. Some people treasure it very much, so they save it. However, some people think it is important just because it can bring lots of benefit for them, so they use up their money to exchange what they want. Which living style is better? Do you think it is necessary for us to save money for the future? In my opinion, saving money is necessary. Reasons are as follow.


First of all, saving money is helpful to deal with the unexpected things happen in the future. The future is unknown. We are not sure that we won’t meet any unexpected things, which need money to solve in the future. If we have save some money in our daily life, we can deal with such kind of problem easily when they are happen, instead of worrying and doing nothing. What’s more, sometimes saving money can bring you happiness. When you have save some money, you can make some surprise for your life or improve your life quality. Even you can use your saving money to help other people who are in need. You will be happy from such kind of things.


In a word, it is better to save money properly than not. Sometimes your life will be different with the saving money. Save happiness for yourself!


关于大学作文带翻译大全:Using Your Mobile Phones to Learn English 用手机学英语

Nowadays, mobile phones are quite popular among students. In fact, it is very convenient to use mobile phones for self-study. Here I would like to cite English learning by using mobile phones as an example to demonstrate such a convenience.


First, use your mobile phone to practice your listening skills as much as you can. There are a great variety of resources about English listening over the internet and you can download some of them to listen to when you are in leisure, such as VOA, BBC, and cnn and so on. Besides, if you are fond of listening English songs, it is not a bad idea to download some of them to practice your listening skills and training your memory. In addition, English radio is also a good choice.

首先,用手机尽可能的练习听力技巧。在互联网上有很多各种各样的关于英语听力的资源,你可以下载一些在空闲的时候听,如VOA, BBC, and cnn等。此外,如果你喜欢听英文歌曲,下载一些来练习你的听力技能、训练你的记忆并不是一个坏主意。此外,英国广播也是一个不错的选择。

Second, use you mobile phone to improve your reading. Instead of spending a majority of time in chatting and playing games, you can do some reading by using your mobile phones when you are waiting bus and other leisure time because there are a lot of reading materials available over the internet, like electronic books. If you can persist in doing some reading in English everyday, you will find your reading speed becomes faster and faster and you can understand English better.


In a word, the benefits of using mobile phones to learn English are various and the above are just some of them. I hope that every one of you can make full use of your mobile phones to learn something useful.


关于大学作文带翻译大全:The Disadvantages of Finding Jobs through Internet 网上找工作的弊端

In modern society, internet has played a very important role in finding jobs in that it provides a lot of conveniences for us to get information about employment. However, every coin has two sides and there are also several disadvantages of finding jobs through internet.


First of all, finding jobs through internet is quite likely to be cheated for that there is a large amount of fake information over the internet. It is quite difficult to identify the truth of information. Second, finding jobs through internet is easy to divulge our information, which produces potential danger for ourselves and our family because we have given out our information over internet and our information is possibly used by the undesirable. Finally, we are easy to get confused by finding jobs through internet because there is too much information over internet. Faced with diversiform information over internet, we would feel perplexed if we have not a certain direction of employment.


Therefore, we need to be caution in finding jobs through internet. In addition, to create a better employment environment, our government should enhance supervise of internet world.


关于大学作文带翻译大全:My View on the Crazy of Government Posts 大学毕业生对政府职位的狂热之我

With the increasing of social competition and the stress of finding jobs for the university graduates, more and more college students are crazy about the government posts. Sometimes there happens one thousand people fight for one position. It is crazy, but this phenomenon has increase but no more decrease. What do you of think of this? For me, I think they should see things from full sides.


First of all, the competition of getting a government post is very intense. Let’s put asides the advantages of government post. They need to spent a tremendous effort on it and have little chance to achieve. In most cases, their effort is in vain. If the graduate students put too much hope on it, it will influence their efficiency of finding other jobs. At last, they may lose the good job and can’t capable with others on government post.


Secondly, not only government post is good job. Some of the positions are also very tired and some may very comfortable but without competitiveness. And everyone fits for every job. In addition, many people work in the enterprise also can have a bright future. They also can have a happy life. They can choose the job that they like and the competitiveness is not as large as the government post.


To sum up, government post is not the only choice for college students. They have more choices. They should choose the job that is suitable for them, instead of crazy on government post.


关于大学作文带翻译大全:My View on University Ranking 大学排名之我见

Now,it is generally acknowledged that competence is getting fiercer and fiercer. Therefore,going to a good university is the premise of getting a good job and wining inthe competitive society. As a result, university ranking becomes much popularthan before. We can also see many ads on the internet which commend a specialuniversity ranked first. And universities try to make themselves bigger andstronger to get a better ranking.


Differentpeople have different opinions on universities ranking. The reason why mostpeople oppose to it can be complicated. To start with, university ranking makesgood universities superior but put the general universities into a worsecondition. What’s more, it would do harm to the development of theuniversities. The governmental subsidy is mostly used on superior universities,while the infamous universities won’t get it. The last but not the least, theexcellent future of a student is not depended on the university, but to thestudent himself .In a sense, university ranking is not meaningful.


Asfar as I’m concerned, I don’t agree to it. Each university has its own benefitsand culture, so that we can’t evaluate a university simply by its ranking. Soit’s better to stop ranking university.


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