
发布者:华夏之泪 时间:2022-11-15 12:09



Dear Herb:

I was a mite surprised at the gift presented to you on the occasion of your retirement party—a really beautiful set of golf clubs.I happen to know that you are not a golfer,and when I asked someone about the gift,the answer was:“That’s what Sheila said Herb wanted most of all.He doesn’t play now,but he’s determined to learn.”?

Of course,I shouldn’t be surprised.You’ve been constantly pursuing new challenges throughout your 45 years at Watson-Ferguson,and I can’t think of one that you didn’t master.It’s that fierce determination—tempered with a delightful wit and practical-mindedness—that has made you such an outstanding financial executive.Why not golf,indeed!?

We will miss you,naturally but our gloom is brightened somewhat by our vision of your chasing the little white ball all over Hilton Head Island.That,by the way,sounds like a lot more fun than juggling debentures and arguing with ?security? analysts.? Mary joins me in wishing for you and Sheila many happy years in the Sun Belt.Be sure to drop in on the folks here at W-F when you get to Cleveland.?

Best personal regards.


Dear Mr.Smith,

I am writing to convey my warm congratulations on your appointment to the Board of Asia Industries Ltd.?

My colleagues and I are delighted that the years of service your have given to your company should at last have been rewarded in this way and we join in sending you our very best wishes for the future.??

Yours sincerely


Dear Zhang Ling:?

How pleased I feel when I heard you have been promoted to the position of Credit-Manager.I really think that you deserve the position because of your extensive? experience,diligence and outstanding intelligence.?

My congratulations should also be extended to the president of your bank.He has such a good sense to find the best person.?

Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion.

Truly Yours,


Dear Mr.Smith:

Thank you for your kind letter of September 15 and for the supportive words.

My new position is one that will require total commitment,and I assure you that I am determined to do my utmost to tide us over during this difficult time and to make the company stronger in every way possible.

I look forward to your continued support and patronage.



Dear Mr.Green,

We learned from your company’s May 1st announcement that you have been named President of J.J.Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.

Please accept our warmest congratulations on your appointment.Our thoughts and best wishes are with you as you take up your new and important position.

It is our sincerest hope that the close relationship existing between our two companies will continue and perhaps even be strengthened further,and I look forward to being able to contribute to our mutual benefit.Once again,congratulations.

Yours sincerely,

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