
发布者:江天一览 时间:2022-11-15 12:56





hyphen n. 连字号"-"

记法 1: hyphen音“还分”→还分着呢,快用连字号连起来吧

quaff n. /v. 痛饮,畅饮

记法 1: quaff音“夸父”→夸父追日,渴极痛饮



awl n. 尖钻,锥子

记法 1: awl→law(法律)→像尖钻一样钻法律的空子

dolt n. 笨蛋

记法 1: dolt→told(tell的过去式)→告诉过你了,笨蛋!



cant n. 隐语,术语

记法 1: cant→can’t(=can not)→让人无法听懂的隐语

con v. 熟读,精读

记法 1: con→icon(圣像,偶像)→熟读偶像的作品



lackey n. 仆人

记法 1: lackey→lack(缺少)+key(钥匙)→缺少钥匙的人→没有权利的人→仆人(钥匙往往是权利的象征)

pigsty n. 猪圈

记法 1: pigsty→pig(猪)+sty(→stay停留)→猪待的地方→猪圈



arson n. 纵火

记法 1: arson→ars(火)+on→纵火



1) promptness in response : cheerful readiness

2) cheerful willingness; eagerness; eager and enthusiastic willingness

3) speed or quickness; celerity.

4) eager and cheerful readiness

5) (n.) eager readiness or speed

6) liveliness

alacrity <> sluggishness, hesitance, reluctance

He replied to the invitation with alacrity; he was eager for the opportunity to travel to Puerto Rico.

Synonyms: liveliness, promptness, willingness c

【考法1】 n. 反应迅速,乐意: promptness in response : cheerful readiness

【例】 accepted the invitation with alacrity 欣喜地接受了邀请

【近】 amenability, gameness, obligingness, willingness

【反】 dilatoriness, hesitance and reluctance 拖延,犹豫和不情愿

The manager was so impressed by the worker's alacrity; he suggested a promotion.

On the first day of her new job, the recent college graduate was able to leave early after completing all of her tasks with alacrity.

alacrity ------ liveliness and eagerness

alacrity ------ cheerful promptness without reluctance

alacrity ----- eager and enthusiastic willingness

alacrity ------cheerful willingness; eagerness; speed

alacrity ------ cheerful promptness; eagerness

Alacrity ---- (n) Promptness, cheerful readiness.

alacrity a cheerful readiness; brisk and eager action

Alacrity ----- N. eager & enthusiastic willingness

alacrity ----- liveliness; willingness; eagerness

Alacrity ----- speed or quickness

Alacrity ----- speed or quickness

.lacrity - Eager to say "at last in the city!"

alacrity (n) ---- at last in the city, I will do ANYTHING!! Eager and enthusiastic willingness.

alacrity ------Someone with alacrity shows cheerful willingness and eager behavior, like a kid whose mother has told him he can buy anything in a candy store. While the noun alacrity normally refers to someone's peppy behavior, it can also describe a certain mood or tempo of a musical composition, indicating how the music should be played. Alacrity comes from the Latin alacritas, and the Italian musical term allegro is a near relation.

noun - Cheerful willingness; eagerness.

noun - Speed or quickness; celerity.

synonym - haste, enthusiasm, celerity, avidity, willingness, sprightliness, swiftness, promptness, quickness, briskness


gain: n.获取的财富,收益,利润

garrulousness: n.1.饶舌,喋喋不休 2.罗唆冗长

gauge: n.1.仪表(器),标准量度 2.评估方法 3.程度,范围,容量

gem: n.1.宝石 2.宝物,精品,精华

generalization: n. 概括,综合;n. 一般化, 普遍化

genetically: adv.1.创始的,起源的,发生的,自然生长的 2.历史上的,发展的,演变的 3.遗传学的

gift: n.1.礼物,赠品 2.赠送 3.天赋,才能

give-and-take: n.1.公平交易,互让互谅 2.交谈

given: a.有癖好的,有倾向的,喜爱...的

glib: adj.口齿伶俐的,油腔滑调的

gloss: n.1.光泽,光亮平滑的表面 2.虚假的外表,假象

gouge: v.1.挖取,掘取 2.诈骗钱财,敲竹杠

gravity:庄严;庄重;严肃; 地心引力,重力

guideline: n.指导方针,原则,标准


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