tacit: 无言的; expressed or carried on without words or speech
1) done without using words
2) expressed or done without words, implied; unspoken;
3) not voiced or expressed
4) not expressed openly, but understood
Syn: implicit, silent, suggested, unspoken, implied, undeclared, unsaid, unuttered
taciturn : silent, not talkative
tacit <> directly expressed, expressly stated, explicit
1. Although not a word had been said, everyone in the room knew that a tacit agreement had been made about which course of a action to take.
2. No words on the matter were actually spoken between our neighbors and us; we simply came to a tacit agreement that any apples that fell onto our yard from their tree were ours.
3. The National Security Agency aide argued, in effect, that he had received the president's tacit approval for the arms-for-hostages deal.
Tacit reasons are not tangible reasons, and vice versa.
4. A second baseman and a shortstop have a tacit understanding of who is to cover second base in case of a ground ball.
5. It is illegal for a politician to accept money in exchange for a political favor, but it’s hard to prove guilt when the agreement is tacit.
6. Katie and carmella had a tacit agreement that they would not mention the dented fender to their parents
torpor: 麻木, 迟钝; a state of mental or physical inactivity or insensibility
1) extreme mental and physical sluggishness
2) a state of mental and physical inactivity accompanied by a loss of feeling; a lack of energy
3) a condition of dormancy; sluggishness; temporary (either partial or total) loss of sensation or motion; stupor;
4) dullness or apathy
相近词汇:apathy, dullness, lethargy, sluggish, lacking movement, languor, stupor
torpor <> alertness, EXULTANT, vigilance, ardor, ebullient, vivacity, animation, ebullience, zeal, animation, alert, extreme excitability
torpor <> ardor
1. After surgery, the patient experienced torpor until the anesthesia wore off.
2. During my illness, the fever did not trouble me so much as the torpor—I hate to be slowed down!
3. After 24 hours of sleeplessness, torpor is likely to set in.
4. Torpor is characteristic among those who spent hours before their TVs in the old days watching the political conventions from gavel to gavel.
VEHEMENCE 热情的<>tepidity/ torpor 慢热的
aloof : reserve :: sluggish : torpor
torrid adj.热带的
vacillate: 犹豫; to waver in mind, will, or feeling
1) to sway physically; to be indecisive
2) to sway or fluctuate; to waver in feeling or hesitate in making a decision
3) to waver; to sway back and forth; to fluctuate or oscillate;
4) to waver in attitude; show indecision
5) to waver; to sway indecisively
相近词汇: oscillate, stagger, swing; alternate, hedge, pause, dither, falter, fluctuate, oscillate, waver
vacillation <> resolution
vacillate <> equipoise, stand firm, resolve firmly, resolute
vacillate : indecision = bristle : anger
1. The customer held up the line as he vacillated between ordering chocolate chip or rocky road ice cream.
2. Roberta vacillated for so long that by the time she decided to go to the show, the tickets were all sold out.
3. It is not unusual for one’s position on an issue to vacillate as more and better information becomes available.
4. Homer and Marge often vacillate on where to go for their summer vacation.
vacillating, vacillation
to equal or offset in weight; balance. Vacillate: to sway unsteadily; waver; totter; stagger.
vacillation constancy
vacillation impetuosity
vacillation motionless balance
vacillation pertinacity
vacillation < > decisiveness, pertinacity
pompous : pontificate irresolute : vacillate 同义
unswerved : vacillate capricious/whimsical/headlong : deliberate 反义
irresolute: vacillate pompous: pontificate
vacillate < > decisiveness, equipoise
<> resolute(/ decide / settle / adamant /
vacillation < > decisiveness, pertinacity
<> constancy / persistence / impetuosity
paragon: model of excellence or perfection of a kind
1) an example of excellence
paragon : excellence
paragon : imitate
paragon : excellent
paragon <> travesty
apotheosis, ideal, quintessence, standard
1. She is a paragon of what a judge should be: honest, intelligent, hardworking, and just.
2. As a student, Gina was thought to be a paragon, but her English teacher noticed that she excelled only because she refused to take any risks.
Synonyms: epitome, exemplar, nonpareil, standard
invective: 恶言漫骂; abusive language
1) abusive language curses, vituperation
2) An intensely vehement, highly emotional verbal attack
Invective ------ an insult or abuse in speech
invective -----verbal abuse.
invective (n) ---- abuse; verbal attack; vituperation; violent censure. Antonym: praise; laudatory words; complimentary speech
Synonyms: berating, diatribe, tirade
invective <> accolade
Invective : complimentary language
The invective she heaped on her colleague was completely out of proportion with the small error she had made. ?
I will no longer put up with your invective, Where did you learn such language?
The debate judge cautioned participants not to engage in invective but rather in reasoned and decorous discourse.