
发布者:方天话戟 时间:2022-11-15 20:06



Victor Hugo said: “The most important quality for a man is kindness.” Why kindness is important?

Kindness is one most important quality for human being distinguish from the animal. Without kindness, the human being will selfish, indifferent, no sympathy and have no difference from animal.

There are many news about how people unfilial, hurt others maliciously, corrupted and many other immorality. Besides of they are lack of conscience, more important, they had no kindness. Kindness is to understand each other, care about others. A kind people would like to help others, he will accept the faults in a person. He would not hurt others, and always choose the right to do.

Kindness is important for not only people but also important to the country and the world. If countries have a kind heart, there won’t be wars, and the whole world can be in harmony which will benefit everyone.


We should be kindhearted and generous.

"If you have much, give your wealth. If you have little, give you heart". It is a famous proverb that speaks the truth. It is always nice to be with your family, watching TV shows together, and drink hot chocolate. However, there are many homeless people, or even children out there that are abandoned, or have no where to go. They deserve happiness and love as much as we do. We should be kindhearted and generous, and help them out.

There are simple things we can do to make our society better, such us, A smile, a handshake, a hug, or even saying "Hello" to the less fortunate people. We have to express our love to them, to show that they are cared. In that case, we can make the world a better place to live in for one and for all!


Last Monday,we had a school meeting and our headmaster spoke highly of a kind boy,whose name is LiHua.The boy is a Junior high school student.we all respect him very much because of his kindness.

One day, LiHua went to school by bus as usual. when he was ready to get on the bus,he saw a thief stealing a woman's wallet,and there is a knife in his hand. LiHua was afraid that the thief would hurt other people on the bus. Suddenly, a good idea came to his mind. He walked to the woman and said" Mum,I want to use your mobilphone''. Soon, the woman realized what happened and replied,"ok, I will give it to you". The driver noticed the thief. He drived the bus to the police station. At last, the thief was under control. Later, the woman sent a letter to our school to express her thanks to Li Hua.

Though I am a senior high school student, I cant do as well as LiHua. His kindness touched me,including all of you. As we all know, a kind heart is important for everyone. Kindness can make the world more beautiful and more lovable. In other words, if the world is a cup,kindness is like cofee, which makes the world meaningful.


The wind was blowing very hard as two boys were on their way to school. In the street theymet an old man, who could hardly walk.

Just as they passed him, the wind blew the old man's hat off. It was carried quickly up thestreet; but the old man was not able to run after it.

Stop, my boys, please, and pick up my hat," cried the old man, "else I am afraid I shall lose it."

But the boys stood still, and only laughed; they thought it was fine fun to see the hat blownabout.

Just then a little girl who was going to the same school came in sight. Without waiting to beasked, she ran at once and caught the hat.

Then she brought it back to the old man. But before giving it to him, she carefully wiped it.

Thank you, my dear," he said, "for your kindness to a poor old man."

The boys and the girl went onward to school. But the teacher had seen them from one of thewindows.

When lessons were over, he told the children in the school all about the old man's hat.

Then he went to his desk and took out a pretty picture-book, which he gave to the little girl forher kindness.

Inside the cover her name was written, and beneath it this verse:

Little deeds of kindness,

Little words of love,

Make this earth an Eden

Like the heaven above."

The boys felt ashamed and sorry for their conduct to the poor old man.


when i was growing up, i was embarrassed to be seen with my father。 he was severely crippled and very short, and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for balance, people would stare。 i would inwardly squirm at the unwanted attention。 if he ever noticed or was bothered, he never let on。

it was difficult to coordinate our steps —— his halting, mine impatient —— and because of that, we didn't say much as we went along。 but as we started out, he always said, "you set the pace。 i will try to adjust to you。 "our usual walk was to or from the subway, which was how he got to work。 he went to work sick, and despite nasty weather。 he almost never missed a day, and would make it to the office even if others could not。 a matter of pride。when snow or ice was on the ground, it was impossible for him to walk, even with help。 at such times my sisters or i would pull him through the streets of brooklyn, ny, on a child's sleigh to the subway entrance。 once there, he would cling to the handrail until he reached the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept ice-free。 in manhattan the subway station was the basement of his office building, and he would not have to go outside again until we met him in brooklyn' on his way home。

when i think of it now, i marvel at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity and stress。 and at how he did it —— without bitterness or complaint 。he never talked about himself as an object of pity, nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able。 what he looked for in others was a "good heart", and if he found one, the owner was good enough for him。now that i am older, i believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people, even though i still don' t know precisely what a "good heart" is。 but i know the times i don’t have one myself。

unable to engage in many activities, my father still tried to participate in some way。 when a local sandlot baseball team found itself |without a manager, he kept it going。 he was a knowledgeable baseball fan and often took me to ebbets field to see the brooklyn dodgers play。 he liked to go to dances and parties, where he could have a good time just sitting and watching。on one memorable occasion a fight broke out at a beach party, with everyone punching and shoving。 he wasn't content to sit and watch, but he couldn't stand unaided on the soft sand。 in frustration he began to shout, "i' ll fight anyone who will tit down with me!"nobody did。 but the next day people kidded him by saying it was the first time any fighter was urged to take a dive even before the bout began。

i now know he participated in some things vicariously through me, his only son。 when i played ball (poorly), he "played" too。 when i joined the navy he "joined" too。 and when i came home on leave, he saw to it that " i visited his office。 introducing me, he was really saying, "this is my son, but it is also me, and i could have done this, too, if things had been different。" those words were never said aloud。he has been gone many years now, but i think of him often。 i wonder if he sensed my reluctance to be seen with him during our walks。 if he did, i am sorry i never told him how sorry i was, how unworthy i was, how i regretted it。 i think of him when i complain about trifles, when i am envious of another's good fortune, when i don't have a "good heart"。

at such times i put my hand on his arm to regain my balance, and say, "you set the pace, i will try to adjust to you。"

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