
发布者:小老鹰爱小马 时间:2024-10-10 05:21




英语暑假计划 1


Summer vacation has arrived, and I am planning to have a happy summer vacation. Summer vacation lasts for sixty days, enough for me to play.


Firstly, I plan to complete my summer homework in 30 days. Complete two assignments in 10 days and 12 essays in 20 days. The time for doing homework every day is from 8am to 10am, and from 3pm to 5pm in the afternoon. I do so much homework every day, so for such a long time, I am sure I can finish my summer homework.


Then, I plan to travel for 10 days. Go to Hong Kong to see the well deserved Ocean Park. But this summer, I wont be able to go to the beach because the earthquake in Japan is particularly severe, polluting many things to the seaside. And, I heard from my dad that seaweed has erupted again like in previous years. 40 days have passed, and there are still 20 days left. I am preparing to redistribute the allocation.


I plan to spend 5 days reading 2 books, of course, the more I read, the better. Because my home is close to Xudu Bookstore, after finishing my homework, I can go to Xudu Bookstore to read books. I still have one summer vacation to complete the two reading books assigned to me by my mother.


There are still 15 days left, and I plan to spend 10 days attending a summer camp in Zhengzhou. It must be very fun there.


There are still 5 days left. I plan to play at home and just go out.


My summer vacation plan has been arranged, so come and plan your happy and fun summer vacation as well!

英语暑假计划 2


In this sunny summer, summer vacation is coming soon. I want to design a summer vacation plan that belongs to me and have a fulfilling and happy vacation.


Now I will share my summer vacation plans with everyone!


Plan 1: Develop a daily schedule. Go to bed and wake up early every day, exercise your body, and balance learning and playing.


Plan 2: Complete a certain amount of homework on time every day. Design a time bank where completing tasks every day can store a seal or a star, and vice versa. Accumulate a certain amount to exchange for gifts.


Plan 3: Participate in swimming training classes and strive to learn how to swim. So I can swim freely in the water like a fish.


Plan four: Practice your handwriting more beautifully. I spend half an hour practicing hard pen calligraphy every day, accumulating over time. I hope my handwriting can become better and better.


Plan 5: Keep reading every day. I have several thick books in my bookshelf, and I hope to fully enjoy the wonderful reading time during the summer vacation.


Plan 6: Mobilize the whole family, exercise more, and stay healthy.


By the way, I almost forgot one very important thing, which is that during the long vacation, I have to travel everywhere.


Oh my! My Happy Holiday train is about to start, I need to quickly take my plan, take the train, and start the journey of Happy Summer!

英语暑假计划 3


Haha, its finally summer vacation, Im so happy! I am planning my summer vacation life well.


Firstly, I need to conscientiously do the summer homework assigned by the teacher, so that my parents can take me outside to explore the beautiful mountains and rivers of our country. The place I really want to go to the most is actually Changzhou Chinese Dinosaur Park, because many students in our class have already been there, and they all think its quite fun. It is called the "Jurassic Park of the East." The dinosaur park not only has dinosaur fossils, but also many exciting entertainment projects are conducted on water, so its best to go there in summer.


Secondly, I need to further consolidate my swimming skills. Although my swimming skills are already quite good, I havent been swimming for almost a year and I dont know if I have forgotten them. I love playing in the water the most, and the thought of going swimming makes me so happy. I learned kayaking last year and havent played it for a long time. I wonder if my uncle will organize everyone to row the Huancheng River again this year. The Huancheng River under the night sky is really beautiful.


Finally, during the summer vacation, both my father and mother went to work. I should stay at home alone and be obedient, not playing with fire or electricity. I should pay attention to safety and not let my parents worry too much. My mother said I can watch TV and play with the computer for a while, so I am already very happy.

英语暑假计划 4


With the arrival of scorching summer, we have also welcomed the long-awaited summer vacation. How should I spend the two-month vacation? Is it playing from morning till night every day? Of course not. In order to study more effectively next semester, I have made a small plan for myself to remind myself that I cannot completely relax throughout the long vacation.


The entire vacation will last about sixty days, and my plan is:

1. 至少看5本有益的书。

1. Read at least 5 beneficial books.

2. 上午有兴趣班的日子,下午1点开始做暑假作业。其余日子,上午9点开始做暑假作业。先完成学校布置的.作业,然后预习一下五年级上的新课本。每天循序渐进,不间断。

On days with interest classes in the morning, start doing summer homework at 1 pm. On other days, start doing summer homework at 9am. First, complete the homework assigned by the school, and then preview the new textbook for fifth grade. Gradually and continuously every day.


3. Physical exercise should not be neglected. Skipping rope, sit ups, sitting forward bends, lung capacity, and daily routines should be done consistently. If you have time, swim for one to two hours.

4. 每天下午,练习钢琴一到两个小时。

4. Practice piano for one to two hours every afternoon.

5. 电子产品少接触,每天要控制在半小时左右。

5. Avoid contact with electronic products and limit it to about half an hour per day.

6. 生活要有规律。白天不赖床,晚上不晚睡。即使是假期中也要做到早睡早起。

6. Life should have regularity. Dont lie in bed during the day and stay up late at night. Even during holidays, it is important to go to bed and wake up early.


Making a plan is easy, but the key is how to execute it.


I am determined to strictly abide by it. Firstly, I will write down the Summer Plan neatly. Then, make a mark on the small calendar. After completing each day, put a check mark on the date. In this way, they will always remind me whether I have followed the agreement.


Be a planned person and have a fulfilling summer vacation!

英语暑假计划 5


Just started summer vacation, I really want to relax. Its already the fifth day of summer vacation, and for these few consecutive days, I want to have a good time. As we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, I played happily for a few days in this joyful and peaceful atmosphere. With the reminder from my parents, its time for me to think about studying during the holiday. Today, I carefully thought about it and made a plan for my vacation:


Firstly, it is best to remember what you have read. For example, good words and sentences, such as some beautiful articles, can only be used in writing and speaking by remembering them.


Secondly, it is necessary to preview the courses of the new semester in advance to lay the foundation for the new semester.


Thirdly, what we learn should not be limited to the textbook and the content taught by the teacher during class. When we have spare time, we should have expansion. As required by Teacher Qiu in Mathematics, students who have spare energy should extend and deepen their knowledge.


Fourthly, it is necessary to regularly review the knowledge learned, written, and memorized, and not forget what has been learned.


Fifth, repetition is the best memory, not afraid of looking back too much, only afraid of looking back too little. Before going to bed at night, you can review what you have learned throughout the day, especially the knowledge of Chinese and English. Experience English vocabulary and sentences like watching a movie, or silently recite ancient texts and Chinese texts such as "The Great Learning" and "The Doctrine of the Mean" assigned by Teacher Zhang.


Sixth, when encountering knowledge that you dont know, remember it and learn it by consulting materials or asking parents.


Tell yourself, the harder you work, the luckier you will be. Keep going!

英语暑假计划 6


The long-awaited summer vacation has finally arrived, and I need to plan my summer vacation life well. The plan is ready, lets give it a review!


Plan 1: Playing Computer


In order to achieve my ideal results in the final exam, I havent touched a computer for three months and have completely bid farewell to QQ Tang. Now I want to liven up my brain, which has been rusted by the dense exercises, and play with the computer. A few days ago, I accidentally saw the news in "Innovative Essay. Elementary School Edition" that "students who become members can enjoy many writing" privileges ". Due to irresistible temptation and curiosity, I registered the username" Cola ". I really like "Chuangwang" now, but I just read it and dare not publish any articles. Today, I finally muster the courage to show off my new work. My mother, who never allows me to go online, also encourages me to learn and communicate more from everyone.


Plan 2: Sleeping in


In the days leading up to the final exam, the teachers of language and mathematics took turns standing guard and bombarded me with so many exercises. I calculated a little bit, my goodness! There are over 40 of them! Causing us to finish our homework after 10 oclock in the evening, and the next day, our classmates became "panda eyed". What a pity! So sleeping in makes up for all the delays during the review.


Plan Three: Doing Homework


My hard work has not been in vain. My final language and math score is the top in the class, so theres no need to work on a thick book called "Happy Summer Vacation"! Just do a few diaries and reading notes assigned by the Chinese teacher, its okay, but my mother may need to give me some additional math exercises, and I can only accept them.


Plan 4: Do as you please


In addition to the above plan, I can also go downstairs with my friends after dinner to play "single and double back lockdown", roller skate, go to my aunts house to play with my cousin, eat popsicles, travel, ride bicycles... These are all spaces that I can freely enjoy.


How about it? My summer life plan is perfect enough, isnt it!

英语暑假计划 7


Summer vacation has quietly approached us, as the saying goes, "The plan for a year is in spring, and the plan for a day is in the morning.". It tells us that setting a plan early is the beginning of success. So I made the following summer vacation plan.


Firstly, I will continue my studies during the summer vacation. Do you find it strange to hear the word "learning"? Do you want to ask me if I still have to study after my vacation, isnt it for us to play? No, your ideas are wrong. Although its a holiday, we also need to study because we can use summer vacation to make up for the knowledge we didnt learn solid enough before. Isnt that great?


I not only have to study, but also help my mother with some household chores that I can do, because my mother often does housework when I have to go to school. So I need to help my mother with household chores. For example: Sweep the floor every three days. Mop the floor every four days, wipe the tables and chairs once a day, and let mom rest.


I not only need to study and do housework, but also go outside to experience the current society. So I use the remaining time to do social practice and work part-time. The money earned can be used to buy learning supplies.


Have you been tempted by my summer vacation plan? Its better to take action than to be tempted. Quickly make a summer vacation plan like me. I believe that through hard work, we can definitely succeed and add a lot of brilliance to our lives! Summer vacation, come on! Im ready!

英语暑假计划 8


The long-awaited summer vacation has finally arrived. This is a long summer vacation, and I want to make my summer life fulfilling and meaningful.


Firstly, I need to complete my summer homework seriously. Although there are many assignments, including Chinese, mathematics, science, and English, I have completed each one according to plan and never let go of anything I dont know how to do. I always ask the teacher to understand the questions.


During the summer vacation, I have to write eight assignments. After finishing my summer homework, I will do it and plan to write one every day. Each article should be no less than 500 words. When doing homework, first brainstorm and prepare a rough draft, and then start writing with confidence. Strive to write every article well, improve ones writing skills, and make oneself love writing. If thats the case, I wont be afraid to write essays in the future!


During the summer vacation, I also have to read some extracurricular books carefully. I really enjoy reading extracurricular books, but when I was in school, I had more classes and homework, so I didnt have time to read extracurricular books. I dont have many classes every day during the summer vacation. I made full use of this time by first reading three books designated by the teacher, namely "The Adventures of Bacteria," "Almost Lost Myself," and "77X2 Classic Science Games that fascinate children." Then, I read a few books that I like to expand my knowledge.


During the summer vacation, I also have to learn English, mathematics, and Chinese. First, I review the content I have learned before studying the next semester.

英语暑假计划 9


This summer, my dad made a running plan for me, which is to practice running for 20 minutes every night. Dad said that running training can help me increase my lung capacity and physical strength, laying a solid foundation for future physical fitness tests.


Running, I just ran a hundred meters and got tired. My feet hurt, my legs hurt, and I cant even breathe. I am very frustrated and feel that my physical strength is really poor. My dad comforted me and said, "Isnt that talent? From now on, we will continue to exercise every day and gradually get better." From then on, we went for a run every day, and it turned out that the effect was getting better and better each time.


Once, we were about to go for a run when it suddenly started to rain lightly, but we persisted in going. We ran round and round, and a drizzle mixed with sweat on my face, making it difficult to distinguish between rain and sweat. I still insist on running down, and this day I feel more accomplished than ever before. My grandfather gave me two words: "Why do you need to get up at three or five in the morning and sleep when you are precious? The most useless thing is to expose yourself to ten days of cold in a day." I know this tells me that being able to withstand wind and rain is precious, but more importantly, it is important to persevere.


Now, running has become the happiest thing for me. When I run, I can forget all my troubles and enjoy the happiness that running brings me. Of course, I will definitely persevere, from summer to winter, the speed goes from slow to fast, and the time goes from short to long. I need to persevere and progress step by step in order to achieve the best exercise results.

英语暑假计划 10

This semester is coming to an end, and a happy summer vacation is coming. In order to make my summer vacation more meaningful, I set up a summer vacation plan.


I plan to do my homework every morning and play in the afternoon. Every morning, finish the homework assigned by the teacher first, then read two extra-curricular articles, draw the good words in them, and write them down. I also have to do 20 crossings and 10 strokes per day, practice one every day, and write a diary every week.


I plan to continue studying my favorite English and art, and I will also play table tennis and learn to swim to make my body stronger.


I also want my mother to take me to Beijing to visit the Great Wall, the ancient Forbidden City and the beautiful temple of heaven.


Of course, I also have to do some housework at home, such as sweeping the floor, washing the dishes, wiping the table... Be a sensible child.


I wish the summer vacation would come soon!


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