
发布者:麦田晴空 时间:2022-11-19 00:29





good morning ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to Qingdao. my name is miao meng. I am very pleased to be your service as a tour guide today. The first sight we are going to see this morning is zhanqiao Land Stage, which is in the gulf of Qingdao. It is the symbol of Qingdao. And it is about a 10-minute bus ride to get there. Before we arrive, shall I give you a brief introduction of the city?

Situated on the south coast of Shandong peninsula, Qingdao is a famous tourist city in china. Known as “ pearl on the Yellow sea”, the city backs mountains and faces the sea, the topography here is special, the scenery beautiful and the climate pleasing. A poem alludes to this beautiful city. It reads as follow,

green mountains stand still

In-between, clear water flowing

Red roofs glisten in the sun

Kissing your cheeks, soft sea wind blowing

Sea gulls fly, we are not sure

whether in azure sky, or on blue sea

Peaks are, as in ink drawings, peculiar

And the best, the sight here must be

Founded in 1891, Qingdao has a history of more than 100 years. It is one of the earliest 14 opening door cities of china. Because of its incomparable geographic position, the transportation means here are convenient. It’s a good tourist destination and an ideal city to make an investment. I wish your could know better about the city, and it would give you a great impression through my guide and commentary.

Now everybody, here we are on the coast of the gulf. Look! do you see that long bridge reaches into the sea? Yes, this is the famous zhanqiao Landing Stage. It is 10 meters wide, 440 meters long. Standing on the south end of bridge in the sea is a two-story pavilion. It’s called “Huilange”(which means pavilion of returned billows).Looking from afar, it is just like a rainbow hanging above the sea. Isn’t it magnificent? In fact, as early as in the 1930s, this Landing Stage was named No.1 among the ten most famous scenic spots of Qingdao. Now here we are on the landing stage.

Founded in 1892, zhanqiao Landing Stage witnessed the history of Qingdao city. In 1891, the Qing government sent zhang gaoyuan to garrison in Qingdao village. They built forts and camps here and made Qingdao an important town. In the second year, for the purpose of sea transportation, they built a 200-meter long iron dock with stone foundation in the south coast. That was the predecessor of the Landing Stage. And in 1894, minister Li Hongzhang reported this to the Qing government. Since then, it has been the symbol of Qingdao.

on Nov. 14, 1897, german troops landed from Qingdao and occupied the city. This bridge was a witness of german’s invasion. In 1900, it was destroyed by a typhoon and was rebuilt as long as 350 meters long by the germans. It became a sight-seeing spot after dagang Port was built in 1905.

From September 1931 to April 1934, zhanqiao Landing Stage was again reconstructed by the guomindang government. It was prolonged to 440 meters, with reinforced concrete piers and paved road. on the south end of the bridge, a semi-round embankment was constructed, and on the embankment, they built a two-story pavilion in traditional chinese style. Look, it is in a shape of octagon and it has eight extending eaves, with yellow glazed tiles on the roofs. From the pavilion, you can enjoy the upcoming billows in layers, and this scene is called “ Feigehuilan”. when night falls, all the lights on both sides of the bridge are on, they look like the blossoms of magnolia. Since then, zhanqiao has became the No 1 scenic spot in Qingdao.

After new china was founded in1949, zhanqiao has been well preserved and experienced many times of renovation. It has became a place that tourists will never miss to pay a visit whenever they come to Qingdao

Now we are in the pavilion. Shall we go up and enjoy the beautiful scenes here? what a view! This is the real Qingdao, blue seawater, white sand beaches, green mountains and red roofs. Look across from here, that small green island is the “little Qingdao”. on the island, there is a beacon tower, which is a navigation mark for the ships sailing in the Bay.

And look back to the shore, that street in one line with the bridge is the most flourishing street, which is called zhongshan Road. The railway station is just near the shore, at a distance of only 500 meters.

ok, everybody. would you like to have your pictures taken here? I’ll give you a 15-minute break. we’ll gather on the shore 15 minutes later. See you in a moment


Everybody is good!

Welcome you come to lijiang ancient town, known as the "world heritage".

Visitors, now we came to lijiang. Visitors may ask me, where is gate. In fact, the old town of lijiang is not gate, this is because the leaders of the naxi nationality (part of the National People's Congress lived inside the old town of lijiang is the naxi, so the leader himself is also the naxi.) Name is "wood", if combined with the meaning of the gates and the wall is the word "trapped", so it is for this reason didn't building the gates and the wall.

Visitors, we now come to one of the most famous streets in the old town of lijiang, square street. The square street crisscross like a spider web, southeast of the northwest each have a way out, so that the square street is very busy. The ground is paved with the multicolored, so very strong, if you use the foot up, will be very clear sound. Sifang street inn (hotel) is not the same, if you go a few rounds in inn (hotel), you will know the difference between the inn.

Tourists, lijiang has a special custom, that is put light. River lamp is an ancient custom, it is said that every night ying tan dragon king will follow the ancient city of the river cruise, put a river light not only can protect the ancient city of peace, can make oneself and family get the protection of the dragon king, and luck, success in the coming days. Hearing the a legend to put a river light make a wish.

Tourists, lijiang has beautiful scenery everywhere, said also said not, I hope you will like the scenery. Welcome to come next time.


HANGZHOU---The Heaven on Earth --------By Day Day The Great “It’s the most wonderful place in the world, where makes you feel in the heaven”, the famous Italy traveler Macro Polo describes the HangZhou in his memory. The saying goes that in China---Above is heaven, below is HangZhou. The reputation of HangZhou lies in the picturesque West Lake. The lake is beautiful all year round, and the poet in Song dynasty named DongPo Su highly praised the scenery. Travelling in the West Lake, you can also wander along the street, try the delicious dessert, and purchase some local products. The Su dam and White dam are of the most famous scenic spots in China. They divided the lake into halves, seemed like two fluttering green ribbons, surrounded by mountain and forests with some house lets. There are there islands in the center of the lake: RuanGong, HuXin, and YingZhou. HangZhou is one of the six ancient capitals in China, and it last 2,000 years history. Not only famous for the Natural scenery and Cultural charm, but also for its delicacy, crafts, and calligraphy of historical figures. As the Silk City of China, there are all kinds of silk products;tapestry is the especially beautiful one among them. Other specialties are black-paper-fans, silk umbrella, and West Lake Longjing Tea. Generally, the appropriate time for going sightseeing near the West Lake in HangZhou should be two days, and the travel provides you with cheerful mood and cultural enjoyment.


Hello! Welcome to Hengshan, Nanyue! Zhangjiajie

Hengshan is located in the central and southern part of Hunan Province. It is one of the five famous mountains in China. It is one of the first batch of national key scenic spots, the first batch of national 4A tourist areas and the only "national civilized scenic spot demonstration site" in Hunan Province. Hengshan is known as "the most beautiful five mountains" and "the longevity mountain of China". Hengshan has 72 peaks, which start from Hengyang City in the south, Huiyan peak in the South and Yuelu Mountain in Changsha City in the north. The peaks are beautiful, magical, winding eight hundred Li and powerful. Just as Wei Yuan, a famous scholar in Qing Dynasty, described in Hengyue Yin, "only Nanyue is like flying."

The origin of the name of Nanyue Hengshan has been discussed in three ways since ancient times. One is that Pangu created a new world. After his death, he turned into mountains and trees. His head turned into Mount Tai in the East, his foot into Mount Hua in the west, his right arm into Mount Heng in the north, his abdomen into mount song in the middle, and his left arm into mount Heng in the south. Another theory is that Emperor Yan, one of the ancestors of China, pursued the immortal bird and beat it down with a magic whip, which turned it into Nanyue. Now Hengshan's emblem "zhuniao" is derived from it. There is also a saying that the ancients divined the human fortune according to the sky and stars. It is the so-called "the sky has stars, and the earth has cities.". Hengshan, the southern mountain, corresponds to the wing of the star in the sky. It can weigh the weight of heaven and earth like a scale, so it is called Hengshan. There is also a "Changsha star" beside the star, which is in charge of the longevity of ordinary people. Hengshan is also called "Shouyue" because it belonged to Changsha in ancient times. "Nanshan" in "longevity is better than Nanshan", which people often say, refers to Hengshan.

The reason why Nanyue Hengshan can stand out among many famous mountains in the country is due to its beautiful scenery, rich and diverse species and magnificent weather.

Nanyue is known as "the unique beauty of the five mountains", with "show" as the main landscape feature. There are so many mountains, so many trees, so many clouds and so on. It's really "different scenery in five li, double sky in ten li". The scenery of Hengshan is so beautiful and countless. Among them, the most famous are the "four wonders of Hengshan", the beauty of Sutra collection hall, the depth of Fangguang temple, the height of zhurong peak and the wonder of shuilian cave.


Capital city is located in the xiangjiang river west bank town. Famous scenic spot in hunan province. Part of mount hengshan mountain, mount seventy-two peak, headed by hengyang city back into the wild goose peak, changsha capital is sufficient, therefore yuelu. Under the "southwest gas HengYue, day and night Jiang Sheng dongting", summary of the ancients to the capital city of mountains and rivers.

Capital city with an area of 8 square kilometers, elevation 297 meters, the highest peak brigitte ailian screen open, show as jade, stack, hill too deep. Has been warded off the park. Enter the scenic area, ancient towering, shade everywhere. Mountain stream flowing spring all the year round is not dry, ravines WenLan zhi fang xin, all this is a beautiful Lin He, countless spring, beautiful feeling. Capital city all over the places of interest, since the western han dynasty, dynasties are monuments to find, to love late pavilion, the foot of yuelu academy, yamadera, xiang ting, Tang Liyong yamadera the yuwang tablet is the most famous monuments, song. Pines seem there lies in the qing dynasty, CAI, tian-hua Chen, Yao Hongye, jiao da feng, Jiang Yi wu, Liu Daoyi ZhongGu, Chen Zuoxin, Liu Kuntao modern revolutionary. Many of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, CAI he-sen bases his, MAO zedong tantfism hae-chan, Zhang Kundi youth have often come to the party, linger in love late pavilion, the wind the place such as gorge, the affairs of state, to seek for the revolutionary truth. Capital is an important cultural education area, hunan of hunan university, central south university of technology, hunan normal university and other colleges and universities and some scientific research units are from.

Capital elevation 300.8 meters, dozens of kilometers, even fold mountain peak as a natural barrier, stand to the west of changsha city. Main cloud stone bone pale foothill shows, gallery pavilions temple mountain on the stone. Trapped, the xiangjiang river, such as belt, orange continent floating brigitte jiangxin, build over things, the ancient city of new profile in ZiQi smoke.

Capital gathers together the essence of xiang chu culture, numerous scenic spots and historical sites, collection of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, the revolution of the spread and abundant plant resources. White crane spring, the yuwang tablet, stupas, flying stone, tap the clock, wearing rock slope are distributed in the mountains between yue lives; Mountain in the existing plants of 174 families, 559 genera and 174 species, including the jin dynasty podocarpus, ginkgo in tang dynasty, song, Ming and qing dynasties, camphor maple chestnut are one thousand years old, old stem QiuZhi, vigorous tall and straight, towering. Maple catalpa, chestnut, QiuZhi QuGan, lush green; Mountain stream stream at the age of not dry, it is quite beautiful. Every autumn and winter, red maple forest do dye, tangerine full hanging branches, more gorgeous mountain foothill.

Institution is located at one thousand in the mountain yuelu academy for the crown of four big ancient academy; The foot of the ancient yamadera so-called "jun originally sites, the first field" hunan; The top of the mountain foot of a Taoist twenty jian's virtual lucky cloud palace; Pavilion is located in the green maple gorge of China's four big name one of the love late pavilion, built in the qing qianlong 57 years, for a view, MAO zedong, CAI he-sen bases his, tantfism hae-chan, Zhang Kundi often to capital party, lingering in love late pavilion, cool breeze gorge thereof, the affairs of state, to seek for the revolutionary truth.


Mountain Tai Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to Taian .Taian is well known in the world becase of Mountain Tai .Are you ready ?Let'go! The name of Mountain Tai was first recored in BOOK OF SANGS.Many friends have ask me why Mountain Tai .

Mountain Tai lies in center Shangdong Province .With the magnificent sea to the east and the long yellow river to the western towing in Shandong .Its mean peak rising 1545 m above sea level.

Mountain Tai has a profound cultural connotaion.Since ancient times it has respected by Chinese and it known as the

Ok! My friends the ancient building in front of us is the Bixia Temple. It is the most perfect building in Mountain Tai .It's the temple to the Mountain Tai goddess Bixia yuanjun. The Bixia Temble was first constructed in Song dynasty in1009.The arhitedtural complex is well-arranged. Grandus and it looks like a palace in Heaven.

Who is Bixia yuanjun ?In legend she is a fairy lady.Her statues in Taoist is very high.She will give lucy and happness when people pray in front of her.

The Bixia temple is devided by the main gate into two courtyards.The front courtyard has a tower for singing and dancinhttp://http://www.wenku1.com/news/964F38659F4B47C2.htmlg .two atices in the east and the weste. the bell tower and the drum tower respectively on the left and the right.Under

the tower for singing and dancing is a fire floor called

Now we look at the four bronze the statues of Black dragon.wight tiger .Zhaogong ming and Liuting are enshrined inside the main gate .

Now we come to the courtyard.Two amperior stilis written by emperor QianLong of qing dynasty.Respectively erected on the east and weast.

The main building in the rea courtyard is the hall of Bixi yuanjun which houses the gilded bronze statue of Mountain Tai Bixia yuanjun .And hands the two large plaques

Now give you some time for free visit half an hour later we will visit the next attraction















Hello, everyone. I'm Wang Ping, guide of Anhui travel agency. You can call me Xiao Wang. Next to me is master Ma, who has many years of driving experience. I'm very happy to visit Tianzhu Mountain scenic spot with you on this sunny day.

Now there is still some time to go before Tianzhu Mountain. Let me briefly introduce Tianzhu Mountain scenic spot. Tianzhu Mountain scenic spot is located in Qianshan County, Anhui Province, with an area of 82. With an area of 46 square kilometers, Li Bai once praised Tianzhu Mountain for its "extraordinary peaks and clouds, and beautiful mountains with elegance", which shows that Tianzhu Mountain has both the masculinity of the north mountain and the beauty of the south mountain.

The avenue we pass now is Tianzhu Avenue. If you look ahead, there is a tall gate building. It is the landmark gate of Tianzhu Mountain, "ancient Nanyue Tianzhu Mountain". These six characters were inscribed by the late president of the Chinese Buddhist Association, Mr. Zhao Puchu. As for why the ancient Nanyue is called, it starts from 106 BC, when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty visited Tianzhu Mountain in the south Sima Qian, one of his colleagues, recorded in historical records that "Mount Tianzhu was named Nanyue when he ascended Li Qian". In 589 ad, Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty changed Hengshan of Hunan Province to Nanyue in order to open up Southern Xinjiang. From then on, Mount Tianzhu was passed down as an ancient Nanyue.

First of all, we enter the SANZU Temple scenic spot, the South outpost of Tianzhu Mountain. SANZU Temple scenic spot is the most concentrated cultural scenic spot in Tianzhu Mountain with the highest cultural grade. Here, we will feel the mysterious religious culture and imperial culture of Tianzhu Mountain, and enjoy the cliff stone carvings group, a national key cultural relics protection unit, which is known as the calligraphy art corridor of past dynasties.

Now our location is yerenzhai, which is the abbreviation of yerenzhai. You will wonder why such a picturesque place is called yerenzhai. In fact, there are two touching legends about this name. First, a long time ago, there were wild people who often came and hurt people and animals. The local magistrate decided to sacrifice himself to save the people. He took good wine and vegetables, went deep into the cave to drink with the wild people, and ordered people to pour pig iron into the cave and die with the wild people. Second, at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, local tyrant Liu Yuan led 100000 Yibing to fight against the Yuan Dynasty in Tianzhu Mountain. He called himself Liu Yeren. The first stockade he built in gukou was called Yeren stockade. You can visit it freely.

Now we come to the SANZU cave. You can see a stone carving in the cave. This is the portrait of SANZU monk can. He has a solid body, with cassock on his shoulders and beads on his hands. You can see his broad and full forehead and kind eyes when you look carefully. It is not difficult to imagine that he is not only a learned monk, but also a slightly bent body, which shows that he is full of experience Frost's hard life.

Step out of the SANZU cave, the next place to visit is the national key cultural relic protection unit -- Valley Liuquan cliff stone carvings. Before you go in here again, you should remember not to scribble on the stone carvings or damage the cultural relics.

Through the bamboo forest, there are two of the ten ancient Qianyang sceneries: Valley Liuquan and Shiniu ancient cave. On the valley and its two cliffs, which are nearly 400 meters in length, are carved with cliff carvings of more than 1200 years since the Tang Dynasty. This is a natural archive for studying the history of more than 1200 years, and also a natural museum for directly appreciating the calligraphy of famous artists of past dynasties. You can enjoy it slowly.

Ladies and gentlemen, our journey is coming to an end. In this short and happy time, I am deeply impressed by your enthusiasm. I hope the beautiful scenery of Tianzhu Mountain can leave you a good memory.


Wuhu is a bright pearl in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. It has a sparkling Mirror Lake, a picturesque ochre mountain and a magnificent Jiuzi square

The water of Jinghu Lake is rippling, and the fish often jump out of the water to greet the tourists. From time to time there are a few boats rowing to break the level of the lake. The willows are singing and dancing to their reflection in the water. The emerald green grassland and butterflies playing in the colorful flowers add vitality to the beautiful Jinghu Lake.

On the edge of Jinghu Lake stands a bronze sculpture, the Jiuzi sculpture. On the sculptures, the doves come in different shapes, each of which is lifelike. Some of them seem to be flying high, some of them seem to be attracted by the beautiful scenery of Jinghu Lake and are unwilling to leave, and some of them seem to be resting after a few drinks in Jinghu Lake

Not far from the north of Jinghu Lake is Zheshan. The scenery of Zheshan is beautiful. The lush trees, like soldiers, stand all over the hills, defending everyone who comes here to play. There are also many sculptures in Zheshan, such as the statue of Mao Zedong is tall and majestic, the statue of Qu Yuan is solemn and bold, and the statue of Dai Annan is resolute and strong. Whenever we visit Zheshan, we can't help but feel awed and let us not forget these great people in history for generations.

There is another one in Zheshan, which is a paradise for animals and children. There are many kinds of animals in the zoo, such as the cute bear, the lively monkey, the singing and dancing bird, which bring laughter to the visitors.

There are many shops in the bustling pedestrian street. They have everything to eat, drink and play. In the evening, neon lights flicker as if hearing the password, calling customers to come. There is a beautiful flower clock on the street. On the clock face, the hour hand, minute hand and second hand are chasing each other, just like the hard-working Wuhu people working at a fast pace.

I like Wuhu, like the beauty of Wuhu, I am more proud of growing up in such a beautiful city! Wuhu, I wish you more beautiful tomorrow!


Today, our family went to the east of laomen. Laomendong is the most characteristic scenic spot in Nanjing, similar to Confucius Temple.

The first thing that came into view was a tall archway with the three characters "old gate East" on it. Behind the memorial archway are the statues of the high school champion, the eye of the list and the flower of the ancient examination. The whole statue is vivid and beautiful.

Laomendong has delicious twist sugar, delicious sugarcane juice and delicious beef casserole. There are many people today. There are long queues at the gate of every snack bar.

In addition to these mouth watering delicacies, the buildings in laomendong are also very distinctive. They are all antique buildings. Walking on the long street, I feel as if I have passed through time and space and returned to the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

There are also flower lanterns on the roadside in different shapes, such as rabbit lanterns, lotus lanterns, zoumaguan lanterns, and many lanterns that I can't name. The most lovely thing is that there are many people wearing black gauze caps, and some girls about my size are also wearing gege headdress. Mom also wants to buy one for me, but I didn't. I think it's a little silly to take it with me.

On both sides of laomen East Main Road, there are many branch alleys with winding paths leading to seclusion. Walking in one of the alleys, I found a lot of children's songs written on the wall that we are familiar with: "how high is the gate? How high is the gate? Thirty six feet. Ride a white horse, take a sedan chair, and walk under the gate. " Looking at these, I think of playing games with my classmates in school.

This is laomendong, which embodies the traditional style of Nanjing. I think it's really interesting here!


Hello, I'm Peng Yi, your guide. Welcome to Yuelu Mountain, the scenic spot of Changsha.

Yuelu Mountain is located in the West Bank of Xiangjiang River in Changsha City, with a total area of 1 It covers an area of 36 square kilometers. It is a part of Hengshan Mountain, one of the five mountains. There are 72 peaks in Nanyue Mountain, headed by Huiyan peak in Hengyang City, Hunan Province. It is said that the North geese come from the south. From autumn to spring, they no longer fly south over this peak. They just spend the cold winter in this warm place like spring. They wait until spring comes and then go north, so they are called Huiyan peak. Wang Bo, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem in preface to Tengwang Pavilion: "the wild geese are frightened by the cold, and the sound breaks the Hengyang river.". As we all know, Hengyang City is known as "Yancheng". This is how it got its name. The word "Lu" of Yuelu mountain means "at the foot of the mountain" in the ancient Chinese. Yuelu Mountain is named because it is the last of the 72 peaks in Nanyue.

Yuelu Mountain is not high in the sea. The highest peak is only 300 meters, but it is very famous. The main reason is that at the foot of the mountain there is one of the four famous pavilions in China, aiwan Pavilion. Aiwanting, formerly known as "hongyeting", is also known as "aifengting", which is named after the famous poet Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty who said, "stop and sit in the maple forest at night, frost leaves are more red than February flowers". Mao , a great man of a generation, also had a long history with AI Wan Ting: as early as 1913 to 1921, when he was in the First Normal University of Hunan Province, Mao often talked with his teachers, friends, elders and revolutionary comrades at the side of AI Wan Ting at the foot of Yuelu Mountain to point out the country, encourage the writing and freely talk about the revolutionary ideal. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, Chairman Mao wrote "Ai Wan Ting" in calligraphy at the invitation of President Li Da of Hunan University in 1952. Now, the plaque on AI Wan Ting is Chairman Mao's handwriting.

Well, have a good time!


Mount emei is located in emei city, sichuan province, is a famous tourist resort and buddhist mountains, is a collection of natural scenery and buddhist culture as one of the China national mountain scenic area. Mount emei is one of the four famous buddhist mountains in China.

Mount emei scenic area covers an area of 154 square kilometers, mount emei is including big I, I, I, four I four mountain. Big asan for emei mountain, said mount emei is often referred to as big asan. Look relatively big me, I two mountain, mount emei, bimodal as thrush, its steep steep, was born in the majestic momentum.

Emeishan level field ridges, towering, beautiful, ancient, magic. Emei mountain tourism resources with beautiful natural scenery, long history of buddhist culture, abundant animal and plant resources, unique geological landscape and famous throughout the world. Is known as a "town of buddhist", "kingdom of plants" and "animal paradise", "geological museum", etc., known as the "emei world show".

Playful spirit monkey is mount emei elves, fun, secure and temperament of our factory, see people don't surprised, and man dating, joy Shared with others, to visitors countless joys, became a living emei mountain landscape.


Qinhuai River is the largest river in Nanjing. There are two parts ofQinhuai River, one is the city river. In Nanjing City, it is the most prosperoussection of Qinhuai River in ten li; the other is the outer river. There are twosources of Qinhuai River. The Eastern source is Baohua mountain in Jurong City,and the southern source is Donglu mountain in Lishui County. Donglu mountain isYanzhi River under Tianshengqiao. These two sources are in Jiangning District,and zongdongshuiguan has been flowing to the city of Nanjing. Qinhuai River runsthrough the whole urban area from east to west, and flows out from xishuiguan inthe south, and converges into the Yangtze River.

Qinhuai River, in ancient times, people called it huaishui, its originalname is "longzangpu", the drainage area is very large, is the most importantriver in Nanjing area, is also a very famous river in history.

It is said that when King Wei of Chu traveled to the East, he saw thepurple air rising in the sky of Jinling. He thought it was Wang Qi, so he dugFangshan. Later people mistakenly believed that the water was dug in the QinDynasty, so they named it "Qinhuai".

Qinhuai River is the cradle of many cultures in Nanjing. It is QinhuaiRiver that has nurtured generations of Nanjing people. It was inhabited as earlyas the stone age. After the eastern Wu Dynasty, it has always been a prosperousarea. In the Six Dynasties, it became a place where many famous families lived,and most merchants gathered here. After the Tang Dynasty, it began to decline,but there are many literati here to recite poems. After the Song Dynasty, it wasfull of vitality again. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was more prosperous.However, in modern times, due to many wars, the buildings here were alsodestroyed.


Good morning, dear passengers. Today by Zhou Yixin as the the Summer Palacetour guide, you can call me Xiao zhou. I hope you can have a happy journey undermy leadership. Let's go!

Green paint pillars, red painted railings each, this is the famouspromenade. This corridor is more than 700 meters long, divided into 273. Each ofthe cross sills has colorful paintings, drawing figures, flowers, andlandscapes. Thousands of paintings do not have the same two pictures. It'sbeautiful! There are also great promenade on both sides. Flowers are bloomingthroughout the year. You see, this flower has not yet been thanked, and theflower has opened again. Let us feel that the breeze is blowing up from theKunming lake on the left. Does it feel refreshed?

After the long corridor, let's go and don't drop the queue. The next placewe are going to visit is the foot of Longevity Hill. You look up and look at it,the three storey building of the octagonal pagoda stands on the half of themountain. The glittering place on the pagoda is actually the pavilion of Buddha.Under it, a row of beautiful decoration palace is paiyundian. How manymagnificent buildings do you see? Now we are going to mount Longevity Hill. Infront of the station, most of the Summer Palace scenery are closing in view ofpassengers. Look, the green woods, glazed tile and Zhu Hong green yellow wall.As you are ahead, Kunming lake is as smooth as a jade and green as a jade. Lookat the boat, boats on the lake slowly across, almost without a trace. Be calmenough! Later, we will come to Kunming lake, and interested passengers can rowboats to relax themselves.

Then let's go to Kunming lake. The most distinctive feature of the lake isvarious stone bridges on the banks. Let's take a closer look and guess whatbridge this bridge is called. In fact, the name of the bridge is named by thenumber of the bridge. The seventeen hole bridge, you see under the bridge, thereare not seventeen holes on the stone bridge. There are hundreds of stone pillarson the bridge. The pillars are carved with little lions. The lion's posture isdifferent. No two of them are the same. Let's watch it again. And look far aheadon a small island green!

Finally, I thank you patiently to accompany me to explain, I hope that youcarefully go sightseeing will gain more. So now everyone is free to do it! Aftertwo hours, we set up in place. Passengers are going to the place you want togo.


The north sea is located in the central area of this city, and there is a bridge between zhongnanhai, a total area of 1063 mu, which accounted for more than half of the water, is China's oldest existing, the most complete imperial garden. Its richly colorful cultural relics, unique style of landscape art, beautiful beautiful lakes and mountains and renowned Chinese and foreign, visitors to visit here ten million visitors each year.

The construction of the north sea is the result of an ancient myth: it is said that on the vastness of the east China sea, there are three fairmount called penglai, yingzhou, the abbot; Immortal gods lived on the hill. After qin shi huang unified China, the alchemist chui fook are sent to the east China sea looking for medicine, but found nothing. In the han dynasty, the emperor also dreaming of immortal, can find there is still no results, then ordered in changan north dug a big pool, "too liquid pool", three rockery pool pile up, respectively in penglai, guangling chau, named abbot three fairmount. Since then, successive emperors like follow "a pool of three mountains" in the form of a royal building today. Is this form - the north sea to the north sea symbol "too liquid pool", "jade island" is the penglai, the original in the water "TuanCheng" and "rhinoceros hill station" is symbol of yingzhou and the abbot. Garden has a "lu gong cave", "immortal temples", "fairy bearing dew copper plate" and many other relics of pursuing immortality.


Today we are going to visit Xinyang Nanwan Lake scenic spot. Nanwan Lakescenic spot is located in the southwest suburb of Xinyang City, only 5kilometers away from Xinyang City.

Nanwan Lake scenic spot is centered on Nanwan lake, including most of themountains, forests and water areas of six townships, including Dongjiahe,shihegang, shishiliqiao and Nanwan. It is adjacent to Xinying (Xinyang Yingshan)highway in the East, xintianfan in the south, zhaihouwan in the West andshuangtouzhai in the north, with a total area of 443 square kilometers.

Nanwan Lake scenic area is a transitional climate zone from northsubtropical zone to warm temperate zone. The four seasons are distinct and theclimate is pleasant. The terrain is high in the southwest and low in thenortheast, surrounded by low mountains and rolling hills. Nanwan lake, thecenter of the scenic spot, is the confluence of Chengshi River, Wudao River,Dongjia River, Xiaoyou River and Feisha river. The water quality is clear andblue. The unique geographical features have created the beautiful mountains andwaters in Nanwan. The long history of Nanwan has left many places of interestand revolutionary sites, making it a famous tourist attraction at home andabroad. Nanwan Lake scenic area is divided into five browsing areas, namely:Nanwan lake dam browsing area, cheyun mountain browsing area, Huanglong TempleTourism Area, xianshifan browsing area and Tanjiahe browsing area. Today we arevisiting the Nanwan lake dam area.

Dear friends, we are now on the Nanwan lake dam. Nanwan lake, also known asNanwan Reservoir, is named after the dam built in Nanwan. Built from 1952 to1958, the reservoir is a comprehensive reservoir integrating flood control,power generation, breeding, water supply and shipping. The dam is 38 metershigh, 835 meters long, 8 meters wide at the top and 22 or 4 meters wide at thebottom. The lake area is 70 square kilometers, the reservoir capacity is 1.63billion cubic meters, and the drainage area is 1100 square kilometers. Morefamous are bird island, Monkey Island, osmanthus Island, Rhododendron Island,etc. every year hundreds of thousands of tourists come here for sightseeing andvacation.

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With the launch of the yacht, our journey is about to begin. Nanwan lake islocated in the climate transition zone between the north and the south of China,with natural scenery of lakes and mountains, morning mist and morning mist.Among the more than 100 small islands in Nanwan lake, one is called bird island.Every year, hundreds of thousands of migratory birds come to the island to liveand breed. The island is simply the home of birds. Most of these birds areherons, including egrets, herons, grey herons, cuckoos, huangpeng, myna, etc.,which attract countless tourists. This reminds me of the famous Tang poem "twohuangpengming green willows, a line of egrets in the sky". In addition to thebird island, in recent years, the scenic area has also developed Monkey Island,"Tang Wang's visit to the earth", osmanthus Island, etc., as well as wateryachting, skydiving and other activities. Dear friends, if we abandon the shipand travel to the upstream area, we must not miss Heilongtan and Bailongtan.Black dragon pool, white dragon pool and the surrounding cheyun mountain, Jiyunmountain, Lianyun mountain, Tianyun mountain and Yunwu Mountain form the "fiveclouds and two pools" scenic spot, which is a good place for tourists: themountain is beautiful, the pool is quiet and pleasant. Xinyang Maojian, a famousChinese tea, grows around Wuyun and Liangtan. In 1915, Xinyang Maojian won thegold medal at Panama International Exposition. In 1990, Longtan Xinyang Maojianwon the national gold medal in the national famous tea competition. Modernmedical research has proved that tea has the functions of clearing the heart,eliminating food and diuresis, invigorating the brain and refreshing,anti-aging, etc. when you get here, don't forget to bring some bags ofhigh-quality Xinyang Maojian tea to yourself and friends!

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