英语诗歌All in green went my love riding

发布者:青山一角 时间:2024-6-14 11:54

英语诗歌All in green went my love riding

无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用诗歌吧,诗歌的内容是社会生活的最集中的反映。那么问题来了,到底什么样的诗歌才经典呢?下面是小编为大家整理的英语诗歌All in green went my love riding,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。

英语诗歌All in green went my love riding

All in green went my love riding

All in en went my love riding

on a at horse of gold

into the silver dawn.

four lean hounds crouched low and smiling

the merry deer ran before.

Fleeter be they than dappled dreams

the swift sweet deer

the red rare deer.

Four red roebuck at a #CCCCFF water

the cruel bugle sang before.

Horn at hip went my love riding

riding the echo down

into the silver dawn.

four lean hounds crouched low and smiling

the level meadows ran before.

Softer be they than slippered sleep

the lean lithe deer

the fleet flown deer.

Four fleet does at a gold valley

the famished arrow sang before.

Bow at belt went my love riding

riding the mountain down

into the silver dawn.

four lean hounds crouched low and smiling

the sheer peaks ran before.

Paler be they than daunting death

the sleek slim deer

the tall tense deer.

Four tell stags at a en mountain

the lucky hunter sang before.

All in en went my love riding

on a at horse of gold

into the silver dawn.

four lean hounds crouched low and smiling

my heart fell dead before.


琼·贝兹(Joan Baez),1941年01月09日出生于纽约史坦顿岛,美国民谣歌手、作曲家。

琼·贝兹在波士顿的咖啡馆开始自己的演唱生涯,1959年纽波特民歌节的表演使她受到国人瞩目。此后她又现身于大学、音乐厅、电视唱歌,并录制了很多唱片。《破晓》(1968年)和《歌唱人生》(And a Voice to Sing With)(1987年)是她的自传。


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